Where can i find the original S&M games?

edited February 2007 in Sam & Max
Playing these new games has aroused my memories from back as a kid playing sam and max: hit the road, and and i would really like to play them again. does anyone know where to find them? i've been keeping an eye on ebay, but am only finding versions for mac's. ANY help would be greatly appreciated, and i'm sure other people here might be curious as well, thanks.


  • edited February 2007
    Sam & Max Hit the Road is actually the only other Sam & Max game that was ever made. I'm confident that if you keep your eye on ebay you'll find a PC version, but one thing you can do is buy a Mac version and run it on your PC using the program SCUMMVM.

    Another option is to import the re-release that's coming out next month in the UK. (Don't ask why LucasArts' overseas distributor has more respect for its back catalogue than LucasArts itself, but there ya go.) This is the same version that's been available there for awhile, which is why I think it should turn up on ebay.
  • edited February 2007
    If you look hard enough, you can find most old LucasArts adventure games on the web for free download. I don't think any of the games are classified as abandonware, however, so downloading them might be illegal. :eek:

    And you'll need to download SCUUMVM (or I guess DOSBox) to play the games.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    puerulus wrote: »
    If you look hard enough, you can find most old LucasArts adventure games on the web for free download. I don't think any of the games are classified as abandonware, however, so downloading them might be illegal. :eek:

    Yes, it would. ;)
  • edited February 2007
    Thanks all, i greatly appreciate the help, now it's time to start searching.
  • edited February 2007
    I have the original on floppy disk but after all that hoohah over the voices I want to hear what I missed now. (The floppy disks weren't big enough to include the voices). I guess downloading the sound files from the internet would be frowned on as well so I might see if I can get one of those re-releases on the cheap.
  • edited February 2007
    I have the original on floppy disk but after all that hoohah over the voices I want to hear what I missed now. (The floppy disks weren't big enough to include the voices). I guess downloading the sound files from the internet would be frowned on as well so I might see if I can get one of those re-releases on the cheap.

    Actually, they wouldn't work because it just wouldn't work. The sound drivers for the floppy disk version have a different set of coding compared to the CD-ROM version, possibly to sync the many voices with whatever events occur instead of just music and sound f/x.

    But, I'm not a programer, so what do I know? I'm just going by logic (meaning downloading the sounds for the CD game and trying to make it work with the Floppy version is like trying to mix oil and water).
  • edited February 2007
    Mmm, oily water.

    What, oh yeah. Thanks for the tip. Like I said I'll probably just get the re-released version. It can go on my long list of 'games I want to buy'.
  • edited February 2007
    a re-release of sam & max : hits the road will at least be released in one month exactly. Amazon.co.uk got it listed:

  • edited February 2007
    Also, I think you still can buy it from used game stores and such. Just search the bins! I've seen treasures you can only imagine!!:D
  • edited February 2007
    The rerelease is already out in Australia. I've seen it in the stores with my own eyes.
  • edited February 2007
    thanks all, i found one on ebay, although i'm sure it's probably some sort of illegal copy as well, so ebay or internet downloading, the only difference is the people on ebay are making money off it. but i'm getting a bit anxious to get my hands on a copy, and shipping to canada from the UK is pretty expensive, so at least i'll have a disk for it. thanks again, and happy gaming. P.S. keep up the good work TTG, can't wait till season 4!
  • edited February 2007
    Holy crap, there's going to be a rerelease? Is it coming to the U.S.?!? I already own Sam and Max and Day of the Tentacle, but I would snatch that up in a second, just to have an extra copy.

    BTW, if you are buying on Ebay, look for 'talkie' versions (on CD).
  • edited February 2007
    Legolas813 wrote: »
    Holy crap, there's going to be a rerelease? Is it coming to the U.S.?!?

    Nope. To my knowledge these releases are fairly common in Europe, but Activision handles that. I don't know if it's that the adventures sell better overseas, or if it's just that LucasArts is too cheap to even try a re-release here.
  • edited February 2007
    ^The second. That and Star Wars sells better for them.
  • edited February 2007
    I've actually not seen a boxed LucasArts adventure on a store shelf since the release of Escape from Monkey Island. A few years ago I could occasionally find a jewel case copy of EMI, CMI or Grim in the bargain bin, but that's it. Granted I don't live in a huge city, but all of my initial copies of LucasArts graphic adventures came from the company store.

    There is no way I would have just happened upon any of those games, because there's no way I could have found them without actively looking for them in the first place. My fond memories of Maniac Mansion on the NES led me to track down the PC version, and then every LucasArts adventure made after it.
  • edited February 2007
    Is it me or does it seems that lucasarts adventure games are more popular overseas than here? I mean, most of the fanmade games are from some other country other than Canada/U.S., so it got me wonder that maybe adventure games are more popular outside of North America
  • edited February 2007
    I would think so. The adventure market in the U.S. is very small. Really, how many people do you know that have even heard of a point and click game (other than Myst)? Adventure games are pretty much a niche thing these days. I'm surprised they are still being made.
  • edited February 2007
    Most stereotypes about Americans are true (not of each American, but of Americans in general). We are a very impatient culture. Think we have time to talk to people and figure things out? HECK NO we wanna blow ***t up!
  • edited February 2007
    I remember that lucasarts included the full sam and max game on a demo disk for armed and dangerous that came out two years ago

    it was a way to promote their upcomming[and cancelled] sam and max sequel

    However, this version is corrupted as mentioned on http://www.samandmax.net/2004/01/
  • edited February 2007
    I have a copy of the original around here somewhere... Not sure where it is though. :/
  • edited February 2007
    Mines on my external hard drive. SCUMMvm had a difficult time reading the CD-ROM data, so I just copied the data over to a place where it could read it without having to "wake up" my computer's DVD/CD-RW.
  • edited February 2007
    I bought Day of the tentacle some years back and also all of the Larry games, they were both in a "on sale" bin and I just found them after digging my way through the top layers. I'd love to have a copy of Sam & Max as well, but it's pretty hard to get a hold of. In fact, I have never seen a original sam & max cover(is there even one ;) ) It's the kind of game one could find in a "on sale" bin... or from some game store online that specialize in selling rare games.
  • edited February 2007
    If you don't care about the original game packaging, you can get just the CD pretty cheap on Ebay. I got my copy of Hit the Road for $10. The price for Day of the Tentacle is usually under $30 (CD only). Of course if you want original packaging for any of the LucasArts classics, you could be paying well over $100.
  • edited February 2007
    Legolas813 wrote: »
    If you don't care about the original game packaging, you can get just the CD pretty cheap on Ebay. I got my copy of Hit the Road for $10. The price for Day of the Tentacle is usually under $30 (CD only). Of course if you want original packaging for any of the LucasArts classics, you could be paying well over $100.

    ebay is just crazy, go local, visit your friends', sure one of them could give you his (with packaging) :)

    I mean i have almost all of them, they were sold pretty cheap, there are millions of them and people still want to pay premium on ebay. We don't sell, because we just like the game, not because it is an investment -and because boxes are pretty-. Sometimes people just should say "no" you sell overpriced stuff, go shmuck yourself.
    (yep i hate ebay, it inflated even the local markets...)
  • edited February 2007
    Legolas813 wrote: »
    If you don't care about the original game packaging, you can get just the CD pretty cheap on Ebay. I got my copy of Hit the Road for $10. The price for Day of the Tentacle is usually under $30 (CD only). Of course if you want original packaging for any of the LucasArts classics, you could be paying well over $100.

    Wow really..I still got my Hit The Road box.. I also have sam and max on the 3 1/2 inch floppys..wonder how much they'd be worth :p
  • edited February 2007
    Mine came with the LucasArts Archive set. I don't know if I kept the box or not, because it was kind of dangerous to keep the CD-ROMs in it. Instead of nice little paper envelopes, they were set inside cardboard slots, which I saw as a scratching risk.

    But, hey! I got Sam & Max, Day of the Tenticle, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, and a few extra stuff for only $40 back then!!
  • MelMel
    edited February 2007
    I found it on eBay about a year ago for $45. It had the original box and original cardboard sleeve (but nothing else). I've gotten lucky with a couple other old boxed games on eBay. I got Fate of Atlantis with everything (box, manual, hint book, copy of The Adventurer) for $27 (that was w/ shipping). :)
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