BTTF Ep1: MAC OS X - Game doesn't start
I installed the game, and when i double click on the game app, the BTTF Game window pops up (it has several sections within the window that seem to be reserved for items like Titles, and links and text and such, but they are all empty. All there is is a picture of marty and the delorean, and "Episodes" on the left, but there's not list under it. just empty.)
and nothing else loads, nothing else happens.
please help, thanks.
ps. tried reinstalling, redownloading, etc. same thing.
also, there is a little icon in my windows now on the top right of the bttf game icon. a quick link or something. how do i get rid of that?
and nothing else loads, nothing else happens.
please help, thanks.
ps. tried reinstalling, redownloading, etc. same thing.
also, there is a little icon in my windows now on the top right of the bttf game icon. a quick link or something. how do i get rid of that?
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Delete whatever you downloaded originally and re-download.
Worked for me (renaming/getting rid of spaces didn't)
When I started the game it started up in a window. Hit Cmd and F to go full screen
This solved the problem for me, so a big thank you is in order. It's a shame this file naming error is present in a final release of the game. It led to a very infuriating evening/early morning on the 22nd/23rd December and a fine from my ISP for exceeding my broadband usage limit! Re-downloading the file definitely was NOT the way to solve this BUG!!