Apparently there are Back to the Future nerds..

edited December 2010 in Back to the Future
I'm not here to complain about the continuity about the story line.. This game was great fun.. Almost brought a tear to my eye when i got the delorean to 88 MPH..

For the commons to pick this thing apart.. c'mon.. it was pretty hokey at best even in its day.. the reoccurring characters n'all you almost have to look past the implausibilities to enjoy it.. I don't think the franchise ever took itself too seriously either anyway..


  • edited December 2010
    There will always be people who take everything too seriously. Whether it's Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Tron, or Back to the Future, the vocal minority will always dominate the Internet with rants about how "they got it wrong." The game is fun, the cast is amazing, and I'm happier having played it. Now... is it February yet?
  • edited December 2010
    fawker wrote: »
    I'm not here to complain about the continuity about the story line.. This game was great fun.. Almost brought a tear to my eye when i got the delorean to 88 MPH..

    For the commons to pick this thing apart.. c'mon.. it was pretty hokey at best even in its day.. the reoccurring characters n'all you almost have to look past the implausibilities to enjoy it.. I don't think the franchise ever took itself too seriously either anyway..

    The movies had reoccurring characters in every film. Marty had to deal with Tannen's in every era he visited, he had to deal with his own family members in every era, there was a Strickland in each era, etc. So it's not that far out of line with the movies.
  • edited December 2010
    fawker wrote: »
    Almost brought a tear to my eye when i got the delorean to 88 MPH..

    Omg.... You actually get to drive the Delorean in this game??

    I had no idea, I thought this was all still-cam at different angles with maybe some scrolling. Even if the driving is from a dashboard perspective and you can't REALLY steer that will still be cool. =) (No, I haven't played yet, but was my guess on how the driving controls way off?)

    I don't wanna know TOO much :p, I guess I just really want to know if you do actually "drive" the car or not.
  • edited December 2010
    Omg.... You actually get to drive the Delorean in this game??

    I had no idea, I thought this was all still-cam at different angles with maybe some scrolling. Even if the driving is from a dashboard perspective and you can't REALLY steer that will still be cool. =) (No, I haven't played yet, but was my guess on how the driving controls way off?)

    I don't wanna know TOO much :p, I guess I just really want to know if you do actually "drive" the car or not.

    Sorry. There's no direct control of the DeLorean. The big time travel moment happens in a cut scene. It's a really cool cut scene though. I hear it brought a tear to fawker's eye. :P
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