2 questions...Possible spoilers

edited December 2010 in Back to the Future
1. Why is Biff being such a douche to Marty in episode 1?? In the films, in the present day (1980's) he was always terrified of Marty and kissing his ass.

2. This is set 6 months after the trilogy ended apparantly but it starts in May 1986, I don't remember the trilogy ever being set in December 1985.


  • edited December 2010
    DeadbeatUK wrote: »
    1. Why is Biff being such a douche to Marty in episode 1?? In the films, in the present day (1980's) he was always terrified of Marty and kissing his ass.
    Biff is still Biff. It's George he's scared of, not Marty. So, he'll be "himself" when he's not around George.
    DeadbeatUK wrote: »
    2. This is set 6 months after the trilogy ended apparantly but it starts in May 1986, I don't remember the trilogy ever being set in December 1985.
    The trilogy ends in late October 1985. So, May 1986 is 6 months later, plus a couple weeks.
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