Telltale Texas Hold'Em easter egg

edited February 2007 in Sam & Max
Recall the scene in the casino where you tell Leonard that he doesn't look like a Leonard Steakcharmer? If you thought that was funny, replay Telltale Texas Hold'Em for a nice surprise. I just caught the following dialogue:

HARRY: Boris Krinkle, eh? You don't look like a Boris Krinkle.
BORIS: Oh yeah? What do I look like?
HARRY: You look more like a... Leonard Steakcharmer.
BORIS: That's what everyone says!

Yay for sneaky patch-ins :D


  • edited February 2007
    haha! loved the joke in episode 3..didnt realise they used it in hold em :D
  • edited February 2007
    They use TWO jokes from TTHE actually. I was just playing the demo and heard this while Harry was dealing:

    Harry: "Boris, you give new meaning to the phrase 'A face only a mother could love.'"
    Boris: (whimpering) "My momma said I was beautiful."
  • edited February 2007
    Yeah, I already caught that one. One reason I posted this thread is that unlike that one I don't recall ever hearing the name Leonard Steakcharmer before episode 3, and suspect that it was added in by the episode 3 installer. Is that paranoid of me?
  • edited February 2007
    If not, it'd be a great idea... imagine having games that modify themselves based on what else you install :D
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    It is paranoid of you :) It's always been in there, but you probably thought nothing of it until now.
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