What's your favorite part of BTTF Ep 1!

After having completed the first episode what can you say is your favorite part of the game? It can either be a scene or line or a quality of the game. I'll start.

The storyline and its connection and expansion with the original storylines of the movies! :)


  • edited December 2010
    When Marty gets chased atop that bandstand in the park, and Kid Tannen is trying to get to him, at which point he casually records his voice and gets Einstein to distract him while he hides.:D I was loling.
  • edited December 2010
    I have two favorite parts.

    Most funny: "What charities have you worked with?"

    Marty - "The...uh...Mario Brothers!"

    Most Heart-Warming and Cool: When Marty references the dog is a conversation and it is revealed that young Doc is playing a counting game with Einstein.

    That honestly made me give TTG a Thumbs-up...Twice in a row! :)

    Great job Telltale.
  • edited December 2010
    i have not completed ep1 yet, but for now its definitely the beginning, martys dream.

    i was just like :eek::eek::eek::eek:

    but then... i was just a dream... damn....
  • edited December 2010
    Cyphox wrote: »
    i have not completed ep1 yet, but for now its definitely the beginning, martys dream.

    i was just like :eek::eek::eek::eek:

    but then... i was just a dream... damn....

    a dream? or is it a KoTOR kind of foreshadowing???
  • edited December 2010
    Talking with Doc in jail, getting the answers to all of my burning questions. :p

    Also, the action scene at the end, because I correctly predicted how the action scenes would work in the game (i.e. exactly how they worked in "Wallace and Gromit"). And because it felt BTTF-y, with Marty having to improvise and things going wrong through a multi-step process.

    I liked meeting Young Doc, too, but I wish we got to spend more time with the character. Looks like we will in upcoming episodes, though.
  • edited December 2010
    "Otherwise we'll have to award the patent to a competing inventor... Dr. McCoy."
    "It can't be done!"
    Loved that bit, and I'm not even a Star Trek fan.
  • edited December 2010
    Gumbyfan wrote: »
    I have two favorite parts.

    Most funny: "What charities have you worked with?"

    Marty - "The...uh...Mario Brothers!"

    This all the way.

    Also the final scene at the end.
    Knowing telltale I thought it was the end and loved it.
  • edited December 2010
    When Teen Doc asks about when he can get the results from the patent office, the last option is "A month to six weeks".

    Telltale's estimating shipping time to European customers. Classy.
  • edited December 2010
  • edited December 2010
    "Hey, can I have some peanuts?"

    "Why not? I'm a magnanimous kinda guy."

    "Hey Kid...what the hell is that?!"
  • edited December 2010
    My favorite is the Get Tanner in February of 2010 line... I can't wait and apparently I need the DeLorean to get it since February of 2010 has already passed... :p
  • edited December 2010
    This board is too nice to be sent to the back pages of the forum so I bumped it up. :)
  • edited December 2010
    You know what? My favorite part is basically ALL the dialouges you enter with Teen Doc. He's great! Definitely my fave character so far.
  • edited December 2010
    When Marty is about to travel through time as the music builds up to the temporal displacement, just like in the Pohatchee Drive-In scene in BTTFIII :D
  • edited December 2010
    Gumbyfan wrote: »
    This board is too nice to be sent to the back pages of the forum so I bumped it up. :)

    Keep the spirit alive! ;)
  • edited December 2010
    The warm moments of true friendship between Doc and Marty, when they meet at the jail, and on the police truck.

    Pretty good job showing they really care for each other.
  • edited December 2010
    Carlos85G wrote: »
    When Marty is about to travel through time as the music builds up to the temporal displacement, just like in the Pohatchee Drive-In scene in BTTFIII :D

    I loved that part TOO, it is almost identical to what you see in the trailer but Marty is wearing 1930s clothes and Einstein is with him the passenger seat. LOVE the use of the BTTF theme as he builds up to 88mph and his 'arrival' in 1931. my only complaint is the time display should change to reflect the arrival in time the instant he arrives not a few moments after.
  • edited December 2010
    I think it might have been meant to show that the time circuits might still need some adjustment.
  • edited December 2010
    I really loved the dream sequence because you got to play a scene from the movie and then for it to turn out differently was awesome.

    Also when young doc calls Marty (I think it was) Einstein because he doesn't understand something and Einstein barks enthusiastically because he hears his name, that was a very funny detail.
  • edited December 2010
    I think it might have been meant to show that the time circuits might still need some adjustment.

    you, know that makes sense (retracts previous complaint ;) ).
  • edited May 2014
    My favorite part was at the very beginning were doc says "Your about to see some serious Sh*t
  • edited December 2010
    My favorite talking to Doc in the jail. I was afraid they were going to forget about Jennifer, Clara, Jules, and Verne but Im glad I was wrong. It looks like Jennifer's grandfather is going to play a part in the next episode.
  • edited December 2010
    I liked the scene when Marty ran into his grandfather at the soup kitchen.

    It had tons of subtle references to scenes from the first movie:
    - Marty and his grandfather both rubbing their neck at the same time
    - A Tannen coming in and kicking them out
    - The running motion his grandfather made with his arms while talking to Tannen
  • edited December 2010
    I'm not about to give away my bicycle to an upstart.
    But if you were to be connected with the local charities...
    Yeah...? (expecting her to say that he could borrow it then)
    Then you can tell me when they need some soup. (nods to herself)
  • edited December 2010
    The intro. The intro sets the mood so well, I nearly crapped my pants watching it.

    I knew the instant the intro was over they had gotten it right.
  • edited December 2010
    Actually I kinda had a thing with the whole "Biff using the guitar on the Giant amp and blowing himself back & knocking himself out" scene. I mean, even the shot of Biff & the up-close pic was just great. "Rock on, Biff."
  • edited December 2010
    That was fun, especially when Marty backed off because he knew what was about to happen.

    Oh, and Biff owns that amp now. You break it, you buy it. ;) lol
  • edited January 2011
    Wait ... What?

    The Delorean didn't reappear! :eek: Doc's disappearing! :eek:

    Shout-Out to a Deleted Scene:

    "That's my grandfather, Sheriff Strickland, shot in the back by Buford Tannen in 1885."
    "Huh, that's not how I remember it."

    Slang Troubles:

    "I gotta book."

    -The Gneech :cool:
  • edited January 2011
    The intro.
    I was expecting to hear a *bleep* or having a different word for Doc's "you're gonna see some serious shit!" and was bracing for impact. I liked that they kept it intact. :)

    The second thing that caught me off guard was of course, "look out!" *nothing happens* and at first I thought "looks like they did something with the timing there", until both Doc and Marty were also confused. :p

    Then the part where Marty goes back to 1931, too bad it was too short.

    And lastly the rescue, it reminded me of Full Throttle's ending chase somewhat. :)
  • edited January 2011
    The dream in the beginning was great. You could throw in the lines from the movie, or not, which was awesome.

    The "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!" thing.

    The feeling of the characters, especially Doc, young Doc, Marty and Einie.

    The perfect cliffhanger.

    And now, I'm going to play it again. :D
  • Falanca wrote: »
    You know what? My favorite part is basically ALL the dialouges you enter with Teen Doc. He's great! Definitely my fave character so far.

    I know right? I love Teen Emmett! He's so adorkable! :p :o
  • edited March 2011
    Z-4195 wrote: »
    The warm moments of true friendship between Doc and Marty, when they meet at the jail, and on the police truck.

    Pretty good job showing they really care for each other.

    That was one of the many things I loved about this ep. That and when Marty says to Edna that he worked with the Mario Brothers! :D

    Anyone else find it funny when Marty is waiting to get into Edna's apartment and while he's standing there holding her shoe up in the air, some random lady walks by and Marty just waves her along?
  • edited March 2011
    The begining for me! i like how u re create the original scene and then marty waking up and starting the new journey!
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