Screen Resolution and settings?

What is the original screen resolution in the settings? I press it on accident, I made it higher and my screen keeps blinking and stays off at times, what is the default screen setting?


  • edited December 2010
    On mine, the default was 1024x768 when I first started it up, had to bump it all the way up 1920x1080.
  • edited December 2010
    Ash735 wrote: »
    On mine, the default was 1024x768 when I first started it up, had to bump it all the way up 1920x1080.
    I just tried that and mt screen blinks uncontrollably.
  • edited December 2010
    It really depends on the resolution of your monitor. I'm playing on a 2008 Macbook Pro, so I set my resolution to the Macbook's default resolution, 1440 X 900.
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