About the Delorean ... (contains spoilers)

edited February 2011 in Back to the Future
OK, just trying to get my little brain around the Delorean turning up at Doc's lab, and how this fits into the timeline from the films. In the game, the Delorean has got the 'Mr Fusion' on top of it, and the licence plate from the future - but presumably it hasn't had the hover conversion yet. So do you think the explanation is this: After Doc gets to 2015 and he's adventuring on his own, he then takes a trip into the past (1931), before he goes back to Marty and Jennifer in 1985 and says 'You've got to come back with me ... " . He lands in jail in 1931 and the Delorean's homing device takes it back to Marty at the lab in 1986 - and that is where this game starts. This gives Doc the opportunity to have more adventures in time travel with Marty, and then when they're finished (in the game/s), he travels back to 2015 and completes the timeline of the film. What does everyone else think? I haven't yet completed this episode so apologies if the explanation is contained further on in the game!


  • edited December 2010
    Talk to Doc while he's in jail. ;)
  • edited December 2010
    Only read this if you have finished the whole episode!
    I have changed part of this answer to reflect some input from other alert members from this forum. This improved answer should be more correct.

    here is your answer: When chatting with Doc at the jail one of the things Marty asks Doc about is the very existence of the car.

    Doc's (paraphase) answer is... When the time machine was struck by lightning in 1955, the direct overload in the flux capacitor created TWO cars. One landed in the 1800's with Doc. The other was flung 70 years into the future.

    Eventually Doc stumbled upon this scientific duplicate and began using it for personal/ emotional reasons.
  • edited December 2010
    Gumbyfan wrote: »
    When the time machine was struck by lightning in 1955, the direct overload in the flux capacitor created TWO cars. One landed in the end of the first movie with Marty. The other was flung 70 years into the future.

    Doc's referring to the 1955 lightning at the Lyon Estates sign, that sent Doc 70 years into the Past to 1885. The other one appeared 70 years into the Future, in 2025. He didn't have to re-add Mr. Fusion, just repair the Time Circuit Control microchip and, possibly, the flying circuits.

    Now, lucky it didn't land on somebody's home :p
  • edited December 2010
    Gumbyfan wrote: »
    Only read this if you have finished the whole episode!

    here is your answer: When chatting with Doc at the jail one of the things Marty asks Doc about is the very existence of the car.

    Doc's (paraphase) answer is... When the time machine was struck by lightning in 1955, the direct overload in the flux capacitor created TWO cars. One landed in the end of the first movie with Marty. The other was flung 70 years into the future.

    Eventually Doc stumbled upon this scientific duplicate and began using it for personal/ emotional reasons. He "re-added" Mr. fusion to this copy-cat car.

    Actually, Doc talks about the FLYING DeLorean from 1955, the one HE was in. From the second movie, not first. The explanation given is that he went with one car in 1885 and the other somehow duplicated in 2025. (so there was no reason to 're-add' Mr. Fusion)
  • edited December 2010
    Farlander wrote: »
    Actually, Doc talks about the FLYING DeLorean from 1955, the one HE was in. From the second movie, not first. The explanation given is that he went with one car in 1885 and the other somehow duplicated in 2025. (so there was no reason to 're-add' Mr. Fusion)

    It would be neat if HE duplicated as well.
  • edited December 2010
    It would be neat if HE duplicated as well.

    Well. There is the 'Double Visions' episode.

    At first I thought it would mean Marty coming back to June 13th 1931 AGAIN (meaning he will see two other Martys doing their bussinesses), but considering it's during the Expo - this is out of the question.

    The other possible explanation I can think of is having both Doctor Brown and First Citizen Brown as characters who would work together (the reason behind this is that in 1985A there did exist two Docs and two Martys with different fates, so it's possible).

    And, well, maybe Doctor Brown DID duplicate. Maybe a Doctor Brown was erased because of the First Citizen Brown, but the other's still alive and kicking! Though one would ask why didn't the second Doctor Brown who went to the future didn't fix the Time Machine. And abandoned it to hell also. And never came back for Marty or thought about him... Um... Hm.
  • edited December 2010
    I have fixed up my original post.
    Thanks for the kind help guys. :)

    And as one last bit of commentary: My oh my. Two cars in 1955 for different reasons and on top of that one of those splits in two! Time travel is sometimes too confusing even for a fan like me! 0_0

    I'm ok now. ;)
  • edited December 2010
    I think this explanation is pretty awesome and the more I get used to it the more I like it. The only thing Telltale shouldn't do now is wave it off easily with this explanation. Flesh it out more through future episodes.
  • edited December 2010
    Well unlike his western counterpart the duplicate doc of 2025 wouldn't have needed to have marty to fix the time machine, he could have fixed it himself but decided that time travel was too dangerous and hid it away an this is where "Game" doc finds the second time machine.
  • edited December 2010
    I agree, I would ike telltale to explain it a bit more in future episodes, Marty could bring up the fact that shouldn't there be two Docs.
  • edited December 2010
    Thanks to all for explaining the Delorean part to me, that's a brilliant idea by Taletale - leaves an opportunity for lots of subplots!
  • edited February 2011
    prizna wrote: »
    I agree, I would ike telltale to explain it a bit more in future episodes, Marty could bring up the fact that shouldn't there be two Docs.

    He would, but as you see in the movies, Marty sucks at figuring out even the simplest time travel explanations.
  • Sally wrote: »
    OK, just trying to get my little brain around the Delorean turning up at Doc's lab, and how this fits into the timeline from the films. In the game, the Delorean has got the 'Mr Fusion' on top of it, and the licence plate from the future - but presumably it hasn't had the hover conversion yet. So do you think the explanation is this: After Doc gets to 2015 and he's adventuring on his own, he then takes a trip into the past (1931), before he goes back to Marty and Jennifer in 1985 and says 'You've got to come back with me ... " . He lands in jail in 1931 and the Delorean's homing device takes it back to Marty at the lab in 1986 - and that is where this game starts. This gives Doc the opportunity to have more adventures in time travel with Marty, and then when they're finished (in the game/s), he travels back to 2015 and completes the timeline of the film. What does everyone else think? I haven't yet completed this episode so apologies if the explanation is contained further on in the game!

    No this is impossible from docs timeline, this has to have happened after the events of part III; he talks about clara and the children. Even in his recording he says 'youve come to my rescue in the past. or was it the future?' and at the end of part I, marty had not been to the future yet. Also we see in the game marty has the picture doc gave him of the old west.
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