graphics glitch?

edited December 2010 in Back to the Future
have any of you experienced a problem where all the characters and backgrounds have spots all over, like it goes in and out like the characters are going through shifts in details and it's black temporary.

it's very annoying to play the game with these glitchy things all over. Has this happened to anyone and have they fixed it? thanks!


  • edited December 2010
    My game ran absolutely perfect. No glitch whatsoever, and it ran with everything maxed out.
  • edited December 2010
    I think it really depends on your hardware capabilities. There's a decent amount of adjustments available, perhaps try turning them down a notch.
    I noticed that when I have the everything maxed out I get a very thin line/box around Marty when he moves, but turning the detail down a touch got rid of it.
  • edited December 2010
    BrendanK wrote: »
    I think it really depends on your hardware capabilities. There's a decent amount of adjustments available, perhaps try turning them down a notch.
    I noticed that when I have the everything maxed out I get a very thin line/box around Marty when he moves, but turning the detail down a touch got rid of it.

    Have you tried updating your graphics card driver? I had the same problem but that fixed it :D
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