What's my least favorite pat of BTTFTG

edited December 2010 in Back to the Future
Old Edna, hands down. 'Grating' is the only word I can use to describe the jar jar binks of BTTF.

I know that offends fanboys who have nothing but praise for this game, but this is not the BTTFG to end all games.


  • edited December 2010
    Weird, I liked Old Edna better than Teen Edna.

    I like the way newcomers try to act precautious about flamewars... By slightly insulting potential flamers. It's coo.
  • edited December 2010
    I thought she was amusing. Her voice was a little grating, but so are most old lady voices.
  • edited December 2010
    Old Edna, hands down. 'Grating' is the only word I can use to describe the jar jar binks of BTTF.

    I know that offends fanboys who have nothing but praise for this game, but this is not the BTTFG to end all games.

    No kidding. It was definitely the blemish of the game. She was so annoying and not funny,and did not carry the spirit of the movie's sense of humor like the rest of the game did so well. Would have been more interesting if it had ACTUALLY been Strickland himself and not his sister. Like when he was young he was actually a punk/mod/slacker so it would make him out to be a hypocrite. THAT would have been really funny.
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Weird, I liked Old Edna better than Teen Edna.

    I like the way newcomers try to act precautious about flamewars... By slightly insulting potential flamers. It's coo.

    Theres something off with you. ;)
  • edited December 2010
    I'm trying to think of voicework in a Telltale game that I dislike more than 80s Edna. I honestly can't think of any right now, her voice is horribly annoying. I think that was intentional, but I think that perhaps they should have CONVEYED being grating without actually being painful to listen to. Or something. I dunno, you don't have to deal with her long, but man those few minutes are a pain in the ass.

    On the other hand, voice casting and voice acting for everyone else is simply superb.
  • edited December 2010
    I thought her voice and character were way over the top, making her quite unrealistic compared to the other characters.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited December 2010
    I don't really like voices that try too hard. The Soda Poppers and the Brain in the Jar in the first episode of The Devil's Playhouse were the most annoying for me.

    Edna's voice was annoying, but I didn't mind it too much. Although that would probably change if she was in the game too long (or in another episode). The dummy in the final episode of The Devil's Playhouse was the same for me: bearable, but only because he was only in one episode. I think Edna and the Dummy are more bearable for me than the brain in a jar because of the delivery of the lines. The voices are over the top, but they portray a bit more range than the brain did.
  • edited December 2010
    I'm curious as to why they didn't use Strickland or seem to have left him out entirely. I mean he could pop up, I'm expecting that perhaps he will, but still.
  • edited December 2010
    Guy.. wrote: »
    I'm curious as to why they didn't use Strickland or seem to have left him out entirely. I mean he could pop up, I'm expecting that perhaps he will, but still.

    They probably couldn't secure rights for his likeness.
  • edited December 2010
    Oh, look, a topic where fans complain about the new character to the franchise. How...predictable.
  • edited December 2010
    Oh, look, a topic where fans complain about the new character to the franchise. How...predictable.

    While I'm willing to give Edna in general a fair shake, I have to agree that old*Edna's voice work was pretty grating.

    Thankfully it was only for a short while, but still. eeeeeesh.
  • edited December 2010
    Oh, look, a topic where fans complain about the new character to the franchise. How...predictable.

    They don't complain about young Edna, though. How about that ..?
    They probably couldn't secure rights for his likeness.

    They don't have Crispin's and George still looks like George.

    So I'm sure that's not even a problem.
  • edited December 2010
    Strayth wrote: »
    They don't complain about young Edna, though. How about that ..?

    I can't help it if you all hate old people and want the elderly to die.
  • edited December 2010
    While I'm willing to give Edna in general a fair shake, I have to agree that old*Edna's voice work was pretty grating.

    Thankfully it was only for a short while, but still. eeeeeesh.

    Oh YES... old Edna should NEVER return... Young Edna was cool though.
  • edited December 2010
    Irishmile wrote: »
    Oh YES... old Edna should NEVER return... Young Edna was cool though.
    Get ready for more, lots more, of old Edna in episode 3, when she's First Citizen Brown's queen. Come on, you know that's what's going to happen...
  • edited December 2010
    I thought the fuel puzzle was too long...
  • edited December 2010
    i like both ednas, but the young one definitely better than the old one.
  • edited December 2010
    markeres wrote: »
    Get ready for more, lots more, of old Edna in episode 3, when she's First Citizen Brown's queen. Come on, you know that's what's going to happen...

    Do I really need to say it?
  • edited December 2010
    No kidding. It was definitely the blemish of the game. She was so annoying and not funny,and did not carry the spirit of the movie's sense of humor like the rest of the game did so well. Would have been more interesting if it had ACTUALLY been Strickland himself and not his sister. Like when he was young he was actually a punk/mod/slacker so it would make him out to be a hypocrite. THAT would have been really funny.

    What's funny is that his sister's anti-alcohol, yada yada yada, and what does he imbibe in his office in 1955 after taking Biff's magazine/ ;)
  • edited December 2010
    Old Edna was bad. Over the top cartoonish, annoying, not funny. The rest of the game had a good vibe with the story, bu Old Edna seemed out of place. They could have pulled it off without the megaphone.
  • edited December 2010
    markeres wrote: »
    Get ready for more, lots more, of old Edna in episode 3, when she's First Citizen Brown's queen. Come on, you know that's what's going to happen...

    Maybe thanks to being First Citizen Brown's queen she'll grow to be more likable as a person.
  • edited December 2010
    Farlander wrote: »
    Maybe thanks to being First Citizen Brown's queen she'll grow to be more likable as a person.
    Old Edna is the one who likes to surveil the entire town with binoculars and tell people to stop doing things. Something tells me she's the one who drove Emmett to become First Citizen Brown in the first place...
  • edited December 2010
    What's funny is that his sister's anti-alcohol, yada yada yada, and what does he imbibe in his office in 1955 after taking Biff's magazine/ ;)
    You'd be drinking too if that was your sister... ;)

    I actually kinda like old Edna, she has this "Damn kids, get off my lawn!" thing going... :P
    Also, I can see (hear, actually) what the voice actress is doing...
    Old people voices are hard to do, when you don't want them to sound over the top ridiculously bad.
    With old Edna's voice I can hear that she and young Edna are the same person.
    But hey, that's my ears. Yours may be different (and/or need cleaning)
  • edited December 2010
    I'm trying to think of voicework in a Telltale game that I dislike more than 80s Edna. I honestly can't think of any right now, her voice is horribly annoying. I think that was intentional, but I think that perhaps they should have CONVEYED being grating without actually being painful to listen to. Or something. I dunno, you don't have to deal with her long, but man those few minutes are a pain in the ass.

    On the other hand, voice casting and voice acting for everyone else is simply superb.

    My opinion on this matter is the same as Rather Dashing's, um, rather dashing comment!
  • edited December 2010
    My opinion on this matter is the same as Rather Dashing's, um, rather dashing comment!

    It IS rather dashing, not to mention that Rather Dashing is rather dashing himself.
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