Will Bosco change his gimmick in season 2?

edited February 2007 in Sam & Max
Even though, I find his disguises as people from different ethnic groups amusing, I realize that it is quite limited to several few european(which seems to be the trend in the game to avoid any complaints from other gamers I think) unless Telltale goes with the more stereotypical ethnics groups protrayed as convinence store clerks as depicted in the media (which I do not encourage)

I mean all I think left are: Italian, Greek, German, Canadian, and maybe Southern.

With that said, I don't think the diguises can last to season 3. So I was wondering if there is a possibility that we see Bosco doing some other disguises like putting on a dog suit and pretending to be Sam's relative or dressing up like another telltale character from the texas hold up game.


  • edited February 2007
    He's gotta be a Cajun before they stop the gag. The stereotypes are rolling off my tongue, and they're all true.
  • edited February 2007
    There will need to be more new things with Bosco then his disquise every episode to keep me interested in him. I wish his store would... change... Somewhat...
  • edited February 2007
    He should disguise himself as an American!
  • edited February 2007
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    He should disguise himself as an American!

    LOL I want to see him do a colonal Saunder's impression if he ever dons a southern american persona.
  • edited February 2007
    If he goes stereotypical Asian....

    ....actually, as an Asian, I'd find that funny. :p
  • edited February 2007
    I'm still laughing, but I suppose it would be a bit ridiculous to keep it going after season one. Still, for this season, I'm happy with it. I imagine telltale will come up with a whole new supporting cast for each season, anyway.
  • edited February 2007
    Zeek wrote: »
    If he goes stereotypical Asian....

    ....actually, as an Asian, I'd find that funny. :p
    I don't know if other asians would find it funny simply because of that Shadow Warrior game. Next thing you know, ppl will send complaints while the company denies it was making fun of asians. (that what happens when ppl complained about Shadow Warrior) Then again, that game went too far. LOL
  • edited February 2007
    That's an ollllld game. Not quite as old as the original Sam & Max though. :P
  • edited February 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    That's an ollllld game. Not quite as old as the original Sam & Max though. :P

    It sure was. It was riding on the success of Duke Nukem 3d.
  • edited February 2007
    doom saber wrote: »
    I don't know if other asians would find it funny simply because of that Shadow Warrior game. Next thing you know, ppl will send complaints while the company denies it was making fun of asians. (that what happens when ppl complained about Shadow Warrior) Then again, that game went too far. LOL

    And how is that any less offensive than the fact that Bosco is a purple-gray when clearly his voice is that of a black man? On top of that, how is that any less offensive than the fact that a black man is working in a convience store that gets robbed all the time?

    We have our Episode 1 Ethnic Stereotype, ladies and gents! The Black American Man!
  • edited February 2007
    Zeek wrote: »
    And how is that any less offensive than the fact that Bosco is a purple-gray when clearly his voice is that of a black man? On top of that, how is that any less offensive than the fact that a black man is working in a convience store that gets robbed all the time?

    We have our Episode 1 Ethnic Stereotype, ladies and gents! The Black American Man!

    That really is not a black american male stereotype... it is a convenience store stereotype though, because the stereotype of an urban convenience store is that it gets robbed all the time.
  • edited February 2007
    Technically, that's an Indian-American stereotype with the poorly-run (in)convenience store.
  • edited February 2007
    numble wrote: »
    That really is not a black american male stereotype... it is a convenience store stereotype though, because the stereotype of an urban convenience store is that it gets robbed all the time.

    I agree with numble here since it is a convenience store stereotype seein how characters like Apu from the Simpsons and other characters who owns a convenience store get robbed all the time and has guns over the counter (like the ones in Leisure suit Larry.)
  • edited February 2007
    Zeek wrote: »
    And how is that any less offensive than the fact that Bosco is a purple-gray when clearly his voice is that of a black man? On top of that, how is that any less offensive than the fact that a black man is working in a convience store that gets robbed all the time?

    We have our Episode 1 Ethnic Stereotype, ladies and gents! The Black American Man!

    I haven't seen a lot of african american men on t.v. that works at a convenience store and get robbed left and right. If telltale was going for the stereotypical route, why not Bosco is speaking in jive or ebonics? I don't see why him being purple-grey is really a stereotype, so I might be ignorant in that
  • edited February 2007
    A stereotypical Black American Man would be the one robbing the store, eh? :rolleyes:
  • edited February 2007
    I'd love for Bosco to be a Jamaican in one episode. He would be all like "yeah mon, rob my store, I don't care..."
  • edited February 2007
    If Bosco survives to see Season 2. They are after him, y'know.
  • edited February 2007
    We should come up with a list of new gimmicks he could use.

    I think he should keep on hiring new cashiers for his store, so that he can hide in his anti-thermonuclear bunker 500ft under ground. However, he keeps on checking on the cashier, and ends up butting in every two seconds because he's so worried something is going to go wrong without him there, and ends up firing the cashier, only to worry about a newly hired one the next day.

    I can just imagine...

    Cashier: "So you would like to buy that slice of cheese on special? That would be $12.95 with a tax of $4.91."
    Sam: "Why thank you, I guess I'll be on my wa-"
    Bosco: "Hellllooo! Where's the cheese I.D. check? You didn't even check the money to see if it was counterfeit! What's wrong with you? You know he's up to something. Let me take over...
  • edited February 2007
    I'd like to see Bosco and Sybil in Season 2 (to not make Season 2 would be nuts!), but I'd prefer to see them less and to introduce 2-3 main characters and the ability to drive around town. By driving around town I mean a map where you can select from a couple places to go, just a little bit of freedom would really improve things. :)
  • edited February 2007
    I wonder if Sybil and Bosco will ever delevop a romantic relationship since both of them do seem to change themes/jobs in each case.
  • edited February 2007
    I want to see Sybil try out freelance policing and become part of the team for an episode.
  • edited February 2007
    Sybil should become a convenience store owner and have a furious competition with Bosco that can only end in Mutually Assured Destruction.
  • edited February 2007
    doom saber wrote: »
    I wonder if Sybil and Bosco will ever delevop a romantic relationship since both of them do seem to change themes/jobs in each case.

    I wonder if Sybil and Bosco will ever meet, since both of them seem to never leave their respective offices. :p
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