game wont run

edited February 2011 in Game Support
hey all i am very excited to play the new bttf game, but i downloaded it and i can open it but when i click play the game just totaly shuts down. any ideas/?


  • edited December 2010
    Having the exact same problem here, Mac version, latest version of OSX on iMac, game just dies after i click play. =(

    Please help!!
  • edited December 2010
    yeah im running mac also
  • edited December 2010
    trying to redownload it, but please someone make a patch or something cause i just spent 25 bucks and now its not even working
  • edited December 2010
    Are you running the game in an Admin account? This is the only way I could get it to work on my mac.
  • edited December 2010
    Try some of the solutions discussed in the support forum (where I'm moving this thread now).
  • edited December 2010
    this is what i did, i deleted the first file that i downloaded. then i just downloaded the game agian, and now it seems to be running fine. i dont know maybe some files got corrupt in the first download.
  • edited February 2011
    Got the same trouble as the rest of the gang with not being able to play BTTF Ep one after initial install. Ran fine after install but when I shut it down (game) and tried to restart it by desktop icon , it would not play after log in . So I am running it now under administrator rights like some have suggested and yep it is bs as no other game from telltale or any site actually needs to run under ARights . Will deal with it being a freebie I run W7 64bit home premium and need to run spybot under administrator rights to update it or run a scan so like the beatles say "let it be " and hope when I buy rest of series, they won't need ARights also . Some one told me "if life didn't suck we would fall off the planet " . Enjoy while you can . off to game some more
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