What was the whole deal with Stinky?

edited December 2010 in Sam & Max
I don't really get it?

She was an impostor all along, wanting Granpa's diner ? :confused:

Explain in detail please, I'm kinda slow.


  • edited December 2010
  • edited December 2010

    How could i have missed that much.
  • edited December 2010
    MIcoo11 wrote: »

    How could i have missed that much.

    You get most of the info by clicking on things during Flint's fight with Stinky at the cloning chamber, and the rest is just supposed to be figured out. Some of the minor details (like the red stain or the loud noises being blocked out by trivia) is just made-up to sorta tie-in unrelated stuff from previous seasons.
  • edited December 2010
    Plus half of the content written in that blog wasn't even told ingame, so it's natural for anyone to be confused.
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Plus half of the content written in that blog wasn't even told ingame, so it's natural for anyone to be confused.

    It was however completely possible to figure out based on things that were in-game. All be it a little confusing.
  • edited December 2010
    Emo Hoe wrote: »
    It was however completely possible to figure out based on things that were in-game. All be it a little confusing.

    While it is true that you can figure out that Stinky is a mermaid and was pulling a con, the recton told in the game seems as if it was shoehorned in at the last second. Thus it was confusing what was going on even trying to piece things together. For example, trying to turn Stinky to human afte being turned into a cake didn't make sense until I read the blog. IMO, the in-game explaination didn't explain the whole retcon nicely, which I think the blog was succesful in doing.
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Plus half of the content written in that blog wasn't even told ingame, so it's natural for anyone to be confused.


    A lot of explaination in films and games are sometimes left out because of time(deadline to release product or explaination would slow down pacing.) The blog makes sense since it seems though the retcon of female stnky makes sense - the TT team concocted a good storyline to make the retcon fit. However, as what I have read in the blog, different episode writers focus on their story more than trying to make everything fit together. By the time ep 5 was being made, I think the staff wanted to explain the whole retcon, but didn't have room to, so they shoehorned everything in that one scene.
  • edited December 2010
    Emo Hoe wrote: »
    It was however completely possible to figure out based on things that were in-game. All be it a little confusing.

    Well... If anything, they didn't add anything that contradicts with what's said in the blog. Otherwise, it was the weakest part of the season.
  • edited December 2010
    A lot of people say it was "shoe horned in" primarily cause there was a big reveal about the projector demon cake > stinky thing in the last episode.

    I don't think that shoe horns it in as much as it was the final piece of the puzzle.
    Over the course of all 3 seasons, we slowly piece together Stinky and Sal story.
    We know Stinky wants the dinner and all stuff like this but it all never quite clicks; especially when we see Stinky and Sal were alive in 1901.

    The projector thing that reveals how they tricked their way into Grandpa Stinkys family is the point it all clicks together and you can suddenly make sense of it all because it fits perfectly if Stinky is not a cake grandpa created.

    Many people just seem to think oh it clicked then so obviously it was all told to us then; no its like in a good murder mystery book there information is all the way through but its only in the finale that it all clicks together and suddenly makes sense.

    Granted the blog does go more indepth than the game info, but nothing we couldn't of safely guessed ourselves.

    Eg Charlie Ho-Teps psychic thrall catching the mole people and Stinky and Sal from the tunnels is a logical assumption ocne we know where the box was stored, the fact mole people always been tunneling there and Stinky and Sal using the tunnels as a hide out.

    Stinky stealing the power cell is logical given the projector requirements.

    The future vision googles coming from sybils being torn up and thrown sort of makes sense too.
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