BTTF 101.exe

edited December 2010 in Game Support
What the F... i did bought the game and it doesn`t start realy great work.realy i am so pis**d off that i dont cant play the game that i did pay for..

So i did even try this with the QtCore4.dll sorry i wana back my money why whe dont have this option if the game dont work.
So whe waiting for a patch and then the game drops the price WOW realy great to be a Beta Tester in the Pc Games allways the same sh** i am so angry right now i mean whats up with that do u test the games before you release why so many people have problem to start the game

YES 17€ for only the Crash yaaahhooooo i am so Happy fu** Y** i am pis*** off i wana back my money
Waitet so long for this game and now it even Starts for the money i could buy the BD......

GREAT WORK Telltale crap:mad:


  • edited December 2010

    Okay why don't you just start telling the PROBLEM you encounter with your game? Therefore you can solve it instead of going insta-rage.

    Plus, if you can't stand behind your curse words you want to use, don't use them. Otherwise it makes you look like a tool when you censor yourself.
  • edited December 2010
    What to tell you that i am pissed off, yeah i did pay for this game and get nothing back. so sorry if your game works. but my game did only see a black screen and thats all for 17€. so i hope u can understand that i am pissed off. in the steam forums there are no one who seems to have this probs, thats why i did buy it. i thought it will be a great programmed game, and i can click and play but now i have a prob to solve and i hate this because i have 2 other game who dont seems to be run.even a patch would be solve the prob but nothing and i think telltale are not better with patches so i will stuck with my prob alone.

    So to tell you i am a big fan of the movies and i was so exciting to hear the bring a game out, but i am so dissapointed and frustrating that i wish i could change everthing i did today, i want my money back thats all if the can give it back ok so i can bought it if the fix it and maybe then i pay only 5€. do you understand that i hate to be a beta tester for the developers and thats where i get in rage allways the pc gamer are fucked whats wrong with that test it and then release it......................... tzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz this i definetly my last game from telltale games

    Sorry to get so angry but i hope u can understand my prob its not the only game where i get my probs and no its not my PC or my System because many other games running sweet and fine

    To my Specs

    Win7 x64
    Q9400 no Tweaks
    4Gb Ram
    Nvidia 260gtx
    750GB HDD
    TFT 1920x1200 Gateway FHD2400
    Asus P5Q

    All drivers seems to be up to date so plz fix this prob plzzzzzzzzz or any help thx
  • edited December 2010
    Okay, err, first of all try to run the game in Administrator mode. To do that, right click the .exe file or the shortcut file linked to it, select Properties, Compatibility in this menu, and finally "Run this executable in Administrator mode" or something similar, then try it.

    While doing that, can you describe the error you get once you try to run the game? What actually happens? A bland error? Or it tries to run the game for some seconds? You get to the main menu?
  • edited December 2010
    To me it sounds like your problem is just a graphical glitch.
    I had the same problem, at least I think so from what you're rambling about. I got a black screen after the game menu, and critical error. I had the graphics effects on max settings when this occurred. I tried with graphics on the lowest setting and when I did that it launched fine. I could then alter my graphics settings without any issues.

    You could try actually using proper grammar and spelling in your posts though, to make it easier to solve your problems.
  • edited December 2010
    No i Cant i click in the Game its getting Dark i See the fluxcompensator on the right Side i think its the loading screen and then Crash and the Say backtothefuture101.exe has a prob and Must Be close Thats all i don't can go to any Option the Game Crashs After that so no Option Menu
    Dumb Game better i had buy bfbc2 for 13€ i would save 4€.
    But thx for the help where is telltale not 1 comment to all the Probs to thos problems to the Forum only People try to help Each other
    The have enoug Money right now huh for seeling this crap of program so the don't Need to say or do anything.
  • edited December 2010
    Getting angry doesn't get you anywhere, nor does accusing a game company of not caring just because your copy doesn't seem to work. Now, the frustration is understandable but taking it out on helpful forum posters and turning this in to some sort of conspiracy by a rich greedy corporation gets you nowhere.

    If you have any complaints I'm sure there are channels you can register them through but this isn't one, this is just a place where people will attempt to help you fix your game issues.

    The obvious first fix with issues like this is trying to find out what video driver version you're using compared to the driver version people have used successfully with this game. Software compatibility is a many-layered, complex thing and it may well be that simply changing to a newer or older video driver can fix your issues. Another potential issue might be that it's attempting, as the above poster suggested, to start in a resolution your system doesn't support.
  • edited December 2010
    i can understand you but i am sorry why nobody did write in the steams forum about this major problem it seems that 50% can play it and the other part cant so i am no a little i am big dissapointed because no test or anything on this game why it does not run on some macs too.
    So no statemant from telltale shows me that the guys are shitting on the 50% who having problems so that i am angry is understood, u dont go buy a car and after 20miles the brakes dont work so i think u would be angry too on this company same is here so i know i make some enemys here but thats not the point i will only warn some other guys who maybe wana buy this crap to not getting so frustrated as me i did only see the fluxcompensator thats all for 17€

    But if this would be a great company the would say the have @ the moment some major probs and whe sorry for that missconception thats why i am so pissed off i know that i will stay with this game as it is for a half year u will see before the release a patch?

  • edited December 2010
    The reason why noone replied to you on Steam forum might be because;

    1- Your problem is too... general. It might be anything. Your graphics card might be problematic, you might not have the latest drivers, you mightn't updated your DirectX (the installer actually asks for it and handles the issue accordingly) or etc. Try to uninstall the game and reinstall it, while checking your DirectX.
    2- You think like it's company's responsibility to handle each unexpected malfunction. It's understandable if they give out a really bugged copy of the game that malfunctions in most of computers in the same way; in this situation a general announcement and a patch is needed (Like how they did with Poker Night at the Inventory). But otherwise, you can't expect Telltale employees to handle every problem. No company actually does that. Of course forum people will try to help you instead of Telltale workers since every step to the solution is good no matter what or who the source is. People who plays it on Steam are most likely able to play the game so they don't know what might be causing the problem.
    3- You're angry, sentences you form are sometimes indeciperable, and half of the contents of your posts cannot be understood.
  • edited December 2010
    just asking... and please dont be angry at me.....

    you did update your directx and your graphic card drivers (latest version is 260.99) ?

    btw. playing games with a pc is not just "buy it and be happy!!", playing games with pc can sometimes request some knowledge and stuff from the user. no offense, please dont hit me....
  • edited December 2010
    thx anway i try to be gentle and sorry if u did understand all i was writing but not thinking if the words i did write was correct in place i am sorry

    my native language is german so sorry if many words wrong and not understandlebale........
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