Sam & Max 106 Crash on Launch

edited December 2010 in Game Support
When I launch Sam & Max 106, I would get the launcher screen as usual then when I click on launch the game, I would see part of my screen turn black then white then Windows tells me it crashed and I had to close it.

Strange thing is, I was able to play Sam & Max 101-105 perfectly fine and for some reason it's just 106. I even uninstalled and reinstalled 106 multiple times and still get the same error. I also tried playing 101-105 after running into this problem with 106 and they still work just fine.

I am running Windows 7 Starter with DirectX 11, Intel GMA 3150 (not on the list of incompatible integrated graphics linked from the Support FAQ) Thanks in advance.


BTW, I have the same problem with the whole Wallace and Gromit season as well. :(


  • edited December 2010
    I tried copying the prefs.prop file from 101, which works on my computer, and when I launched 106, it opened in windowed mode and was able to run. However, when I went to options and switched to full screen, it crashed again.

    I then re-copied the prefs.prop file from 101 and 106 no longer launches in windowed mode and still crashes.
  • edited December 2010
    Wallace and Gromit might not be compatible with your graphics card at all because it uses a more detailed graphics engine (and because of only textures and whatnot the episode sizes are bigger than ToMI and even some of Sam and Max Season 3 episodes), but the malfunction of an episode that uses the same engine with other episodes in the season, which RUN in the same system, sounds really weird.

    It might be faulty downloading for this particular episode. You tried to install/uninstall the game over and over but was it the same Setup file? If not so, try redownloading it, or even take one more step back and clear the cache of your browser before redownloading it (instructions can be found via Google) or use another computer for downloading and transfer the setup file to this computer if you can.
  • edited December 2010
    Thanks for the response. :)

    Actually when I first launched Wallace & Gromit, it opened and went all the way to the main menu screen. I went to options and increased the graphic quality (default was 1) since I thought it was older than S&M and I was able to run it in high quality. I was able to click on the plus side until the number hit 4 then the game crashed and haven't been able to launch it since (all 4 episodes).

    I've tried re-downloading, uninstalling and reinstalling 106 several times, including clearing my cache and downloading from another computer :)

    Yes it is strange that 101-105 run perfectly (still do!) yet 106 doesn't. I want to hit myself for trying to make it full screen as I can't seem to reproduce what I did with the prefs.prop to make it launch in windowed mode :(
  • edited December 2010
    The video preferences actually do carry over between episodes in the first two seasons of Sam and Max so you may also try affecting the settings of the latest episode from another episode, without having to carry over your prefs.prop manually (to do that there should be no prefs.prop in the game's folder). If fullscreen NEVER seems to work just close fullscreen from another episode then try to play the final episode.

    Well, I hope THAT works. If not I may try to send you my prefs file, since the game might be reading or writing the files in a faulty way or something.
  • edited December 2010
    Thanks again for your reply. :)

    I launched 105 (randomly chose one) and made it windowed. Then I quit 105 and launch 106, still crashes. Then I tried the same thing by copying 105's prefs.prop into 106, same result. :(

    Is there somewhere else that the preferences could be stored?

    I wonder why it worked the first time when I copied the prefs.prop.
  • edited December 2010
    Okay, I just downloaded the final episode, set all the settings to low and fullscreened the whole thing. My only guess is that final episode doesn't like prefs files from other episodes.

    If that does not work, I'm really sorry but I have no other idea. You can try sending your Dxdiag in a zip to show other people (I don't know how to read it) so that other forum lurkers might try to help you, also.
    DjNDB wrote: »
    If you post a dxdiag log i can take a look at your system.

    Windows XP: Go to your start menu and click on run. Type in "dxdiag" and hit enter
    Windows Vista / 7: Press the windows key on your keyboard or click on the start menu. Type in "dxdiag" and hit enter.

    Now click on the button that says "save all information".
    It will prompt you to save a file. Save it where you can find it.

    Then zip the file and attach it to a reply in this Thread.
  • edited December 2010
    I tried your prefs.prop file but it's still doing the same thing :(

    Is it possible for you to upload a prefs.prop with windowed options enabled? The only time so far I've gotten 106 to work was when I replaced 106's prefs.prop with 101's and it launched in windowed mode even though my 101's prefs was on fullscreen.

    Thank you soooo much!!! :)
  • edited December 2010
    Surely, here you go. Hope this one works :x
  • edited December 2010
    Curses... I'm stumped lol.


    Good news is that after uninstalling and reinstalling W&G (not sure why I haven't done so yet) W&G is at least working now :)
  • edited December 2010
    My DxDiag file.
  • edited December 2010
    After doing some more reading in the support forum, I tried hitting alt+enter after the game is launched and BANG! It now loaded in windowed mode again! I was even able to play 106 in windowed mode. It isn't the most ideal solution but at least it's playable... for now. It still troubles me that 101-105 worked perfectly fine, just not 106.
This discussion has been closed.