AMC Back to the Future Marathon All Week

edited December 2010 in Back to the Future
Back to Back to Back to the Future: All three back to back starting at 6:00 PM eastern on AMC.

Pretty sweet, we got 53 minutes and counting, wish I had a time machine so I could jump ahead and watch it now.


  • edited December 2010
    And right after I got the DVDs for Christmas because the movies were barely on TV the last couple months.

    .... *twitch*
  • edited December 2010
    I have the Blu-Ray collector's tin, it's a real dreamboat.
  • edited December 2010
    i have noticed recently the trilogy has been playing everywhere it seems, from USA, to abc family to now amc.
  • edited December 2010
    I wanted to make a thread about this...

    What the hell? Not about the marathon itself, but the lack of promotion for the game during it. All three movies, every single day, same exact times, all week? And no one from TTG or Universal could pull a 30-second promo? It's a shame, but I guess it's complicated and expensive.
  • edited December 2010
    TTG has more than enough advertising going on with the internet and game magazines plus that spiffy new Blu Ray set. Sure they were offered it, but they probably thought to save some cash and not run an ad on the marathon.

    Besides how many video game commercials are ever on the air these days? Usually the glitzy 60 dollar that had millions of millions poured into it like Halo.
  • edited December 2010
    19.95 for a flux capacitor
    HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!!

    oh i need plutonium or a mr. fusion

    well...i can almost travel in time:(
  • edited December 2010
    fzeroman wrote: »
    19.95 for a flux capacitor
    HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!!

    oh i need plutonium or a mr. fusion

    well...i can almost travel in time:(

    Take me with you, I want to see Jaws 19. In 3D! I don't care if the shark still looks fake.
  • edited December 2010
    I watch the Trilogy whenever it's on! I just finished Part III, I can't get enough BTTF! :D
  • edited December 2010
    The last trilogy run is starting now. Too bad but I guess it makes it more special for the next time. Also now I want to play the game even more...

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