A flying DeLorean ?

edited February 2011 in Back to the Future
I was watching some videos of the game , and I wanted to ask a question ... Can you tell me if we will see the DeLorean flying ? Because I only saw pictures of the normal DeLorean ...


  • edited December 2010
    Seeing how Doc says it is a duplicate created by the lightning which sended Doc to 1885, it probably also burned out the flying circuits.
    So unless Doc fixed them in the 6 months absence after BttF3, it probably won't fly.
  • edited December 2010
    It's 6 months for Marty, not for Doc. In fact it's been over 10 years for Doc.
  • edited December 2010
    Yeah, but you get the point. UNless he fixed/re-installed it, it won't fly.
  • edited December 2010
    Yeah, but you get the point. UNless he fixed/re-installed it, it won't fly

    I seriously hope it does. He made a flying train, I'm sure he could fix it ...
  • edited December 2010
    I guess it would be cool.... but part of the fun is the limitations the car has when it has to roll.
  • edited December 2010
    It might fly, but remember Marty doesn't know how to fly it. Doc does, though, so we could see some flying action next time.
  • edited December 2010
    Well I have to say that it sucks if the DeLorean doesn't fly ! :/

    Don't tell me that Doc didn't have the possibility to repair the flying circuits during this 10 years ?! >_<
  • edited December 2010
    I wouldn't worry about it. I'd say there's a good chance we'll see it flying in the final episode.
  • edited December 2010
    The copy that was sent 75 years into future was the plutonium powered version, so it didn't have even Mr. Fusion until doc refitted it with one. Perhaps he was a bit too strapped for cash to install the flying kit?

    But don't you think you'd seen OEM applications of flying kits by now it they are going to be available as aftermarket for DeLoreans in four year's time? I guess there has been some irreparable damage done to the history of the future:(
  • edited December 2010
    The copy that was sent 75 years into future was the plutonium powered version, so it didn't have even Mr. Fusion until doc refitted it with one.

    No, it was the one that Doc was flying in at the end of Part II.
  • edited December 2010
    I can just sense the final episode. They go back to pre-historic times and cave men steal the the tires!
  • edited December 2010
    Yes, doggans, you're right. It's quite possible Doc Brown WAS able to get the flying circuits replaced on the duplicate DeLorean in 2025 when he recovered it, it probably was easy to do in that era; he couldn't do it with the DeLorean that went back with him in 1885.
  • doc also says the delorean will never fly again in the letter he writes in 1885 at a point when his plan is for the delorean to have one more trip (marty going back from 1955 to 1985). The technology in those periods did not exist for the delorean to fly but in the future it would.
  • edited December 2010
    doc also says the delorean will never fly again in the letter he writes in 1885 at a point when his plan is for the delorean to have one more trip (marty going back from 1955 to 1985). The technology in those periods did not exist for the delorean to fly but in the future it would.

    Then how did he make the train fly?
  • edited December 2010
    Then how did he make the train fly?
    Doc and family's first trip (presumably) after completing the train was taking it to the future to get a hover conversion (Marty: Are you going back to the future? Doc: Nope, already been there! *train flies*).
  • edited December 2010
    yes, in 2015 during BTTF pt 1 and 2. But clearly not with the train time machine... just look at what they're wearing. So again... how did he make the train fly? ;)
  • edited December 2010
    just look at what they're wearing.
    What does what they're wearing have to do with whether or not they went to the future? :confused:
  • edited December 2010
    the whole thing is made up, don't ask stupid questions. ;)
  • edited December 2010
    Blue Tights was making a sarcastic joke, hence the blue winking smiley face.

    I swear the picture they have of Marty and the DeLorean that is used in the start up window of the game has the car flying. May not be used till the last episode when they will need it to go back and forth through time faster. Probably be a real funny exchange with Marty and Doc once he realizes that it flew all this time and he was never told.
  • edited December 2010
    doc also says the delorean will never fly again in the letter he writes in 1885 at a point when his plan is for the delorean to have one more trip (marty going back from 1955 to 1985). The technology in those periods did not exist for the delorean to fly but in the future it would.

    Doc could of either meant A. that part of the vehicle was unable to ever work again or B. that there won't ever be a way to fix it until roughly 2015 which he only plans to have it used one more time to get Marty home. Though there may be another theory that just as the copy of the DeLorean that went to 1885 had Doc in it, the copy in 2025 could of had the flying components. Or maybe there WAS a copy of Doc in the 2025 DeLorean and Doc isn't being completely open about this.........
  • edited December 2010
  • edited December 2010
    One thing we have to realise is, that Doc didn't invent the flying circuits/components, he travelled to the future and had them installed. So really there isn't any real reason that they can't just travel back (or forward?!) to get it fixed. Unless of course that's considered "unnecessary time travel".

    I'd be happy regardless of if we see the DeLorean flying or not. But if it doesn't fly, I think it'll make room for more creative story telling (by not being able to simply fly in/out of situations)
  • Yes the key is the future. Doc invents time travel but got the hover conversion done in the 21st century. So it's obvious that in the scene at the end of part III, he's been further into the future at some point as well as likely in the wee hours of the morning to pick up einstein.
  • edited December 2010
    I just hope to see the DeLorean flying ! This car was one of the first flying car in the history of the cinema ! It has to fly ... It's like ... I don't know , a TV without screen X-D
  • edited December 2010
    Microman wrote: »
    It has to fly ... It's like ... I don't know , a TV without screen X-D
    It did pretty well not flying through 99% of part 1 and all of part 3...
  • edited December 2010
    Grunty wrote: »
    Blue Tights was making a sarcastic joke, hence the blue winking smiley face.

    I swear the picture they have of Marty and the DeLorean that is used in the start up window of the game has the car flying. May not be used till the last episode when they will need it to go back and forth through time faster. Probably be a real funny exchange with Marty and Doc once he realizes that it flew all this time and he was never told.

    No I'm not. I was just pointing out those aren't they type of clothes people wore in the BTTF pt 2 2015 future...

    Yes the key is the future. Doc invents time travel but got the hover conversion done in the 21st century. So it's obvious that in the scene at the end of part III, he's been further into the future at some point as well as likely in the wee hours of the morning to pick up einstein.

    uh ooooh kay... so after they pick up einstein and all that they changed into late 19th century clothing?

    So... 1885... have two kids, 1890's finished building the train time machine, travel to the 2010's change into future clothing, buy/install flying-ability-tech, change back into 1890's clothing, travel back to 1985 to the ending of BTTF pt3 :confused:
  • edited December 2010
    We don't know how long Doc had the train time machine.
  • edited December 2010
    uh ooooh kay... so after they pick up einstein and all that they changed into late 19th century clothing?

    Nobody said 2015 was the LAST place they were before seeing Marty. They could have gotten the hover conversion in the future, then spent some time in the past (hence the change of clothes) and THEN thought, okay, time to let the kids meet Marty.
  • edited January 2011
    I always thought they just LIKED wearing clothes of that style.
  • edited January 2011
    linorn wrote: »
    I always thought they just LIKED wearing clothes of that style.

    Maybe they did :p
  • No I'm not. I was just pointing out those aren't they type of clothes people wore in the BTTF pt 2 2015 future...

    uh ooooh kay... so after they pick up einstein and all that they changed into late 19th century clothing?

    So... 1885... have two kids, 1890's finished building the train time machine, travel to the 2010's change into future clothing, buy/install flying-ability-tech, change back into 1890's clothing, travel back to 1985 to the ending of BTTF pt3 :confused:

    Um where or when is it implied that they changed clothes at all into future clothing? Fairly certain it is not illegal to wear 1800's clothes in the 21st century. Seriously if you lack that much common sense, not sure if you should be posting on message boards.
  • Grunty wrote: »
    Doc could of either meant A. that part of the vehicle was unable to ever work again or B. that there won't ever be a way to fix it until roughly 2015 which he only plans to have it used one more time to get Marty home. Though there may be another theory that just as the copy of the DeLorean that went to 1885 had Doc in it, the copy in 2025 could of had the flying components. Or maybe there WAS a copy of Doc in the 2025 DeLorean and Doc isn't being completely open about this.........

    bingo. I dont see why new flying circuits couldnt be put in.
  • edited February 2011
    I got the impression that Doc had been using this current Delorean long enough to have whatever work done to it that the writers could ever possibly imagine.
  • edited February 2011
    Um where or when is it implied that they changed clothes at all into future clothing? Fairly certain it is not illegal to wear 1800's clothes in the 21st century. Seriously if you lack that much common sense, not sure if you should be posting on message boards.

    Nope, not illegal.
  • edited February 2011
    But should be mandatory.
  • zounds! wrote: »
    I got the impression that Doc had been using this current Delorean long enough to have whatever work done to it that the writers could ever possibly imagine.

    yeah he did say he put new bells and whistles onto it and aside from the time circuits display issue we havent seen any.
  • edited February 2011
    yeah he did say he put new bells and whistles onto it and aside from the time circuits display issue we havent seen any.

    Well, the auto retrieval and presumably a mechanism that opens the door for Einstein.
  • edited February 2011
    To necrobump this thread, for good purpose, the Delorean of the games DOES indeed fly...


    That's the Get Tannen Trailer, and it's clear as day.
  • FaMzNeSS wrote: »
    To necrobump this thread, for good purpose, the Delorean of the games DOES indeed fly...


    That's the Get Tannen Trailer, and it's clear as day.

    *minor episode spoilers!*

    Yeah the delorean does fly in the game. Theres no explanation as to how it can fly when the other one lost its flying circuits. I guess we can assume the one that ended up in 1885 crashed which wrecked the flying circuits while the one in 2025 did not crash, or it had the flying circuits repaired in the future.

    Doc lets marty fly it so now he knows how.
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