We need a time machine to get the next episode

edited January 2011 in Back to the Future
According to the end of Episode 1, we need to get Episode 2 in February 2010. Does anybody have a working time machine that can send us back to February 2010 so we can get episode 2? :):p


  • edited January 2011
    I saw one for sale on eBay a few years ago(it was sold for $70 000*facepalm*) to me it looked like an very old radiator. It also came with a couple of letters that were supposedly written in the early 20's century. The seller said he didn't know if it worked since he was too scared to test it.

    :p *sigh* some people
  • edited January 2011
    I have one! It's one of the most advanced pieces of technology in the universe! You can go not only anywhere in time, but anywhere in space! It's also huge on the inside, a bit larger than a phone booth on the outside. It can turn into anything to blend into its surroundings! It's actually alive, and has a mind of its own!

    I, uh, just need to get the hang of making it go where I want...*bangs on console* Stupid Type 40 piece of junk!
  • edited January 2011
    I sent mine back to 2010. Without me.
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