Your favourite Sam and Max VAs?

edited January 2011 in Sam & Max
(Places on referee outfit)

Now, I want a good, clean VA discussion. That is, no belittling anyone else's opinions, no ongoing political debate on who Telltale should hire in terms of voice actors.

The main goal of this discussion is - who do you personally like as the voices of Sam and Max? Note that they don't have to both be from the same media. (e.g, you can say William Kastner as Max (current games) and Bill Farmer as Sam (Lucasarts era))

Heck, you can even say the 'comic era.' (e.g - none at all/self-imagined voices)

I'll start.

I actually really like Robert Tinkler as Max. (The cartoon series VA.) There's just something so rightly insane about him that he manages to pull off, and he has a wider spectrum of tone and emotion than the other two incarnations we've seen, IMHO. As much as I love Kastner, and his constant, manic chatter, Tinkler brings up a lovely rendition and variety. I really enjoy his take on our favourite lagomorph.

As for Sam, I'm actually really stuck on Telltale's VA, David Nowlin. He's got a range of emotion - but not too much, it's better for Sam to be semi-laid-back rather than overly enthusiastic. (Probably one of the reasons why I don't like his cartoon VA) Granted, Bill Farmer's probably the closest to Purcell's vision of Sam, but I just really like Nowlin's rendition. It maintains that passive 'manic' nature that Sam has, but at the same time, there's a little touch of (I'd say sweetness, but that sounds wrong. :/) that adds a little more dimension to his character.


  • edited January 2011
    We had a pole for this before, but it only had pairs.

    My favorite Max is William Kasten (Although Tinkler is a close second) He had me at when he got elected as president (104 was my first TTG Sam and Max game).

    My favorite Sam is Harvey Atkin. There is nothing about him that sunds like any of the other Sams, and he manages to convince me that Animated Sam IS Sam. He seemed to play the role the way I read the comics
  • edited January 2011
    I know people reading my posts already know which voices I choose... but I'm going to post it again just for the sake of convenience.

    My favorite voices are Bill Farmer and Nick Jameson, both from Sam and Max Hit the Road and the cancelled Freelance Police.

    I guess there's a sense of nostalgia that comes with both of those two... they've become kind of iconic. I think Nick Jameson's Max is different from the others... say what you want about his deep voice and thick Brooklyn accent, and his intimidating demeanor, but I somehow find some kind of charm in that. It's the kind of voice that says, "Yeah, I may be cute to you, but I also have a Luger, so you definitely don't want to mess with me."

    And Hit the Road allows Bill Farmer to be known for a role other than his trademark Goofy voice. Bill combines his Humphrey Bogart imitation with his Johnny Carson imitation when he voices Sam and somehow manages to make the suit-wearing dog sound gruff, yet authoritative... like a well-respected father figure.

    Yep... those were the good old days...
  • edited January 2011
    A close tie between Robert Tinkler and William Kasten for Max for me (though Kasten would just edge out a good bit more really. A good bit.).

    David Nowlin for Sam is my ultimate fave but I've actually enjoyed Atkin's and Farmer's renditions too.
  • edited January 2011
    for me the cartoon and the last telltale game had the best voice actor,
    I can't think about Max with a different voice :D
  • edited January 2011
    SAM: Nowlin > Farmer > Atkin
    MAX: Tinkler > Kasten > Chaikin > Jameson

    In my opinion.
  • edited January 2011
    SAM: Nowlin > Farmer > Atkin
    MAX: Tinkler > Kasten > Chaikin > Jameson

    In my opinion.

    Actually, that's a very good way of structuring preferences. o_o;

    Plus I agree with your opinion. :P
  • edited January 2011
    SAM: Nowlin > Atkin > Farmer
    MAX: Kasten > Chaikin > Tinkler > Jameson
  • edited January 2011
    Remolay wrote: »
    We had a pole for this before, but it only had pairs.

    There was this
  • edited January 2011
    I was introduced to Sam & max from the tv series but the cartoon show and the games are incomparable. At first playing the games the voices sort of threw me off because they weren't what I expected but after a few episodes started to grow on me and by now I think they're perfect
  • FlyFly
    edited January 2011
    1nky wrote: »
    I actually really like Robert Tinkler as Max. (The cartoon series VA.) There's just something so rightly insane about him that he manages to pull off, and he has a wider spectrum of tone and emotion than the other two incarnations we've seen, IMHO. As much as I love Kastner, and his constant, manic chatter, Tinkler brings up a lovely rendition and variety. I really enjoy his take on our favourite lagomorph.

    As for Sam, I'm actually really stuck on Telltale's VA, David Nowlin. He's got a range of emotion - but not too much, it's better for Sam to be semi-laid-back rather than overly enthusiastic. (Probably one of the reasons why I don't like his cartoon VA) Granted, Bill Farmer's probably the closest to Purcell's vision of Sam, but I just really like Nowlin's rendition. It maintains that passive 'manic' nature that Sam has, but at the same time, there's a little touch of (I'd say sweetness, but that sounds wrong. :/) that adds a little more dimension to his character.

    I was all ready to get up in this post and put on my TEAM TINKLER & NOWLIN shirt and give a long list of reasons as to why, but I found them all made for me by the OP. Tinkler's massive range, Nowlin's sense of suppressed sociopathy - I agree with every word you put, 1nky, and don't have anything of value to add. ♥

    My obligatory greater-than tree:

    SAM: Nowlin > Farmer > Atkin
    MAX: Tinkler > Chaikin > Kastern > Jameson

    I'd like to stress that I love them all, though!
  • edited January 2011
    Okay, my turn with the structured thing

    SAM: Atkin>Nowlin>Farmer
    MAX: Kasten=Tinkler>Jameson>Chaikin

    Seriously, I love Kid Beyond's voice work for TTG, but I did not like his Max at all. The rest I loved. Farmer was great for Hit the Road, but every time I watch the trailer for Freelance Police his voice just doesn't fit.
    Jameson really fit both. Tinkler and Kasten are just Awesome Incarnate.
  • edited January 2011
    Fly wrote: »
    I was all ready to get up in this post and put on my TEAM TINKLER & NOWLIN shirt and give a long list of reasons as to why, but I found them all made for me by the OP. Tinkler's massive range, Nowlin's sense of suppressed sociopathy - I agree with every word you put, 1nky, and don't have anything of value to add. ♥


    You're very welcome. (Actually, is that the right thing of me to say? I'm not sure. D: )
  • edited January 2011
    SAM: Nowlin > Atkin > Farmer
    MAX: Kasten > Tinkler > Jameson > Chaikin
  • edited January 2011
    SAM: Farmer>Nowlin>Atkin
    MAX: Kasten>Tinkler>Chaikin>Jameson
  • edited January 2011
    Just been watching as a refresher of the voices. (I'm ignoring the intent of the video, I don't agree with it and indeed the 11 clips from TTG's S&M don't have the effect I think Lacosam was going for)

    I'm torn over who I like best, they are all good and all quite different. As a pairing I think Atkin & Tinkler edge ahead. Jameson's voice in the Freelance Police video is perfect but Farmer's Sam really doesn't fit.

    SAM: Atkin > Nowlin > Farmer (though its really close between Atkin & Nowlin)
    MAX: Kasten == Tinkler > Jameson > Chaikin
  • edited January 2011
    Tarasis, we have almost the exact same opinions. I find it awesome that someone else actually thinks that Harvey Atkin was the best Sam.
  • edited January 2011
    Remolay wrote: »
    Tarasis, we have almost the exact same opinions. I find it awesome that someone else actually thinks that Harvey Atkin was the best Sam.

    I'm sure there are more than the two of us Remolay, at least I hope so :)
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