Question for Telltale: BTTF Pinball?

Hello! I want to first thank Telltale for a great game. Up until now by favorite BTTF recreational title was Data East's pinball machine from about 20 years ago =) I've noticed the folks at Telltale have been very awesome in their replies to fan questions so I wanted to ask one of my own. What are the chances realistically of having an emulated version of the classic pinball table available as a bonus feature on the game DVD or as DLC or unlockable content?

A few years ago I would not have thought this possible but have seen some excellent pinball apps and programs from companies putting together compilation games of real pinball tables. BTTF itself has even been emulated (thanks Google and Youtube for showing me this) but I would love to see an official release. As far as rights issues go, is this possible?

Regardless of whether or not the old BTTF table sees the light of day again (eBay has taught me it would be very expensive to own... very very expensive) I am thankful to TT for such an awesome title. Just as the recent BTTF Trilogy Blu-Ray set and DVD set featured the Ride from Universal I would love to see the new game feature the awesome pinball table. Just a thought.

Your friend in time,


  • edited January 2011
    I had BTTFPinball, for many years..I loved it so much! I would love a new game of one! wow that would be awesome! very brilliant idea my Friend..I support this!
  • edited January 2011
    Thanks, docbrown2015! I loved that game =)
  • edited January 2011
    Thanks, docbrown2015! I loved that game =)
    Your welcome! one of the best Pinball games ever created, I hope to have a new game of it!
  • edited January 2011
    I'm a big fan of video game pinball, but I think this sort of thing would have to happen as a deal between Universal and some other game company with experience making pinball games. No offense to Telltale but they haven't done anything to suggest they'd be able to make a good pinball emulator, and licensing an emulator from some third party would definitely push the project out of the "free bonus" price range.
  • edited January 2011
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    and some other game company with experience making pinball games.

    Like these guys.
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