Sam & Max Season 1 on Mac?

edited January 2011 in Sam & Max
I purchased the Devil's Playhouse 3 season set but I run solely on Mac and can't play season 1! Still a pretty good deal with the new year discount, but I'd really like to be able to play season 1 =/

The thing that sucks is that it said the set was Mac/PC compatible but I didn't see any indication that it was only partially so.

Is season ever going to be released on Mac or did I waste (some) of my money?



  • edited January 2011
    you already made this thread
  • edited January 2011
    It's called double posting. Usually happens by accidentally pressing the Post button twice (which is sometime caused by a 'frozen connection', where seemingly nothing happens after pressing post the first time, although it is technically posted)

    Anyway nothing left to do now but to wait for a mod/admin to remove this one.
  • edited January 2011
    That's exactly what happened with the connection. Just hung there forever so I closed it and tried again...
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