Vice City and San Andreas Owners Who Love Back To The Future

edited January 2011 in Back to the Future
It's your lucky day,

Here lies a total conversion mod for Vice City (and San Andreas but since Vice City was the original I tried that one first).

It can be a bit buggy at times, but it's all there. BTTF 1, 2 and 3 Delorean, time train, remote control, Libyans, and even multiple time periods (55,85,15).

The BTTF 2 Delorean can even fly, and let me tell you, there is NO better getaway car than this.

There's even an interesting tutorial and a few BTTF missions (Which I haven't tried).

All in all, it's an incredible job from the team, AND they are giving it away for free.

If any of you have been loving BTTF the game but wanted some more open endedness, I suggest you give this mod a try.


  • edited January 2011
    I think most of the guys here at this part of the forum know about the Mod, but thanks anyway :)
  • edited January 2011
    Carlos85G wrote: »
    I think most of the guys here at this part of the forum know about the Mod, but thanks anyway :)

    ^^^And some of them even work on it. ;) Gotta love shameless plugs, eh Carlos? :D
  • edited January 2011
    Well, it's not shameless if I don't do it myself :p, I just appreciate it.
  • edited January 2011
    That mod is awesome, thanks for your hard work!
  • edited January 2011
    Fantastic mod :)
  • edited January 2011
    I own the Steam version of Vice City, will it still work?
  • edited January 2011
    I believe it will. Just remember your Save Files and all that won't work. A nice practice is to have a separate install to use mods.

    For any other BTTF:HV stuff, you should go to the link in my signature, or in the first post, to discuss :)
  • edited January 2011
    Is this thread for real?

    It's also not a Total Conversion mod. There's still plenty of the original game still in tact.
  • edited January 2011
    It IS a total conversion and a public beta. That's why you can download an incomplete -yet, somewhat stable- version.

    The reason why there's VC material is because there's a whole new Hill Valley still needed to be completed. There's no reason to code missions because there's no place for them to happen yet and there's no reason to delete the old city because there would be nowhere to go to in the beta.
  • edited January 2011
    Grunty wrote: »
    I own the Steam version of Vice City, will it still work?

    Yes, you copy the install directory to a different location anyway, so it doesn't matter. I used a steam copy on one computer and transferred it over to my old XP machine to play it.
  • edited January 2011
    Carlos85G wrote: »
    It IS a total conversion and a public beta. That's why you can download an incomplete -yet, somewhat stable- version.

    The reason why there's VC material is because there's a whole new Hill Valley still needed to be completed. There's no reason to code missions because there's no place for them to happen yet and there's no reason to delete the old city because there would be nowhere to go to in the beta.

    Of course in the final version, there'll be a lot less GTA in it lol
  • edited January 2011
    Carlos85G wrote: »
    It IS a total conversion and a public beta. That's why you can download an incomplete -yet, somewhat stable- version.

    The reason why there's VC material is because there's a whole new Hill Valley still needed to be completed. There's no reason to code missions because there's no place for them to happen yet and there's no reason to delete the old city because there would be nowhere to go to in the beta.

    I guess my definition of a total conversion is different from yours.

    It WILL be a total conversion when (if) it's completed, but in it's current iteration, I don't consider it a total conversion, just a mod.

    BTW, I hold absolutely zero hope of said mod ever being finished, no offense. You guys have done a wonderful job with what you've done up to this point, but it's simply too big of an undertaking with too small of a crew for the conversion to ever get finished before current team members are forced to quit due to more important matters. Not trying to be a debbie downer, just being a realist.
  • edited January 2011
    Spykes wrote: »
    I guess my definition of a total conversion is different from yours.

    It WILL be a total conversion when (if) it's completed, but in it's current iteration, I don't consider it a total conversion, just a mod.

    BTW, I hold absolutely zero hope of said mod ever being finished, no offense. You guys have done a wonderful job with what you've done up to this point, but it's simply too big of an undertaking with too small of a crew for the conversion to ever get finished before current team members are forced to quit due to more important matters. Not trying to be a debbie downer, just being a realist.

    Fair enough.
  • edited January 2011
    Does this mean I can go round mindlessly killing innocents, just like the movies?
  • edited January 2011
    Does this mean I can go round mindlessly killing innocents, just like the movies?

    LOL :D. It was my favorite part in the first movie when Marty was going nuts and snipered everyone in sight including Einstein and Doc Brown.

    Seroiusly, the (technically not yet) total conversion is real fun to play. Looking forward for more. Keep up the good work guys!
  • edited January 2011
    That's the major misconception of most of the guys that first see BTTF:HV. We're not converting VC into BTTF because we want Marty or Doc to get a "ho" from the Past or Future or go killing Stricklands and Tannens wildly; we're doing it because the engine allows for most of the stuff to be made: You can "travel through time", you can have real time, you can fly in your car, you have animations through coding, you can edit particles in a way that you can simulate most of the effects you want, you have changing buildings and much more. We're seeing VC only as an engine.

    If we could and knew how to do it, we'd change to Source or any other engine but, as the current one, engines have limitations (You can't teach Source how to think fourth-dimensionally if it doesn't know what Time is). Marty -or, rather, Tommy- using all kinds of weapons and being able to just kill anyone is one of the "issues" the main engine has built-in and, until we know how to remove those features, they'll remain in there :(
  • edited January 2011
    I downloaded this for the old copy of Vice City today and cannot believe how awesome this is...Kudos to you guys!

    I have not played games on a PC extensively as I am usually on an Xbox360. I find it very hard to control the game with keyboard and there a PC gampad/controller that is best for the BTTF HV? I hope so (Fingers Crossed)
  • edited January 2011
    Mod for VC is awesome! But, it crashes every 5 minutes :( But still, it's impressive work!
  • edited January 2011
    Carlos85G wrote: »
    That's the major misconception of most of the guys that first see BTTF:HV. We're not converting VC into BTTF because we want Marty or Doc to get a "ho" from the Past or Future or go killing Stricklands and Tannens wildly; we're doing it because the engine allows for most of the stuff to be made: You can "travel through time", you can have real time, you can fly in your car, you have animations through coding, you can edit particles in a way that you can simulate most of the effects you want, you have changing buildings and much more. We're seeing VC only as an engine.

    If we could and knew how to do it, we'd change to Source or any other engine but, as the current one, engines have limitations (You can't teach Source how to think fourth-dimensionally if it doesn't know what Time is). Marty -or, rather, Tommy- using all kinds of weapons and being able to just kill anyone is one of the "issues" the main engine has built-in and, until we know how to remove those features, they'll remain in there :(

    I think most people who find this mod and know computers understand that. Clearly the engine is the best.

    But, honestly, you aren't curious about Marty or Doc running over hookers while driving over the speed limit and traveling through time?
  • edited January 2011
    Goatman455 wrote: »
    But, honestly, you aren't curious about Marty or Doc running over hookers while driving over the speed limit and traveling through time?

    In my case, not at all. I didn't even complete VC's storyline. I got the game to work on the mod.
  • edited January 2011
    This is already really awesome. I have faith in this project because it's a UK project.The UK has never disappointed me. As of late they make my favorite music too...
  • edited January 2011
    Actually, it has a UK domain because the server is UK-based, thanks to our sponsors (IFT Investors) and PR guy (Mike) :p.

    The project originated from the U.S., with Mexican, Scottish, English, Australian and German (et. al.) help.
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