Who's excited about the upcoming Soundtrack releases?

edited March 2007 in Sam & Max
*Hugh Bliss-ish* I AAAAAAAM!!

I don't know when it started, but I'm currently a fan of video game soundtracks that are comprable to movie and (what few) television soundtracks out there.

I think Jake said the soundtracks will also be a monthly release featuring tracks from the previous episode plus a sneek peek track from the upcoming one!

I can't wait to download and add to my mock iPod the No Mafia Here song and various other tracks they may extract officially! I also wonder what kind of twisted American Anthem they will have as their Ep. 4 Preview!!

The anticipation is making me all warm and fuzzy and gasy inside! I can't wait!


    edited February 2007
    Who isn't? ;)

    Ep 3 containes such fantastic and long cues, I'm REALLY excited to download them as high quality MP3s. Please Jake, offer Jared a bottle of fine wine and bully* him a little to HURRY WITH THESE TRACKS !

    (* but in a nice and friendly way, of course)
  • edited February 2007
    I'm actually looking forward to the track dump before episode 5... That'll have some of the really cool stuff from episode 4...
  • edited February 2007
    Like the aforementioned new song that every review says is not to be missed?

    This reminds me. Think Sam & Max will end up on X-Play's next "Music in Video Games" segment as an example of how to do great songs in video games?
  • edited February 2007
    I must be one of the few people who doesn't much care for listening to videogame music outside of when actually playing the videogame. Still, I'm not much of a fan of movie soundtracks either, so it's probably a hangover from that.
  • edited February 2007
    I'm excited about..... when the games are out, so I can rip the WHOLE music myself ;) I'm one of those who can't get enough :P
  • edited March 2007
    Say, weren't we going to get a track dump for episode 3 just before release of episode 4 on Telltale's site? and isn't it RELEASED now?
  • edited March 2007
    The public release isn't until the 8th. The season holders got a special pre-release download.
  • edited March 2007
    In the meantime, you could always look for the music files in the Sam and Max folders, rename the .aud files to .ogg and convert them to mp3 (or just listen to the ogg files, if you have a media player which'll read them, like Media Player Classic).
    All day, I've just been listening to the War Song, the Ted E Bear song, and at least 20 other random pieces of music I got from the games that way.

    The Sam and Max season 1 music definitely ranks as my favourite computer game music alongside the Curse of Monkey Island and much of Final Fantasy's music.
    Is it me, or is music from games infinitely better than the tosh that reaches the top ten charts week after week?
  • edited March 2007
    Badwolf wrote: »
    In the meantime, you could always look for the music files in the Sam and Max folders, rename the .aud files to .ogg and convert them to mp3 (or just listen to the ogg files, if you have a media player which'll read them, like Media Player Classic).
    All day, I've just been listening to the War Song, the Ted E Bear song, and at least 20 other random pieces of music I got from the games that way.

    The Sam and Max season 1 music definitely ranks as my favourite computer game music alongside the Curse of Monkey Island and much of Final Fantasy's music.
    Is it me, or is music from games infinitely better than the tosh that reaches the top ten charts week after week?

    Oh, I've already done that... but since I play through GameTap, I'll have to wait 3 days to download the music for episode 4...
  • edited March 2007
    Badwolf wrote: »
    In the meantime, you could always look for the music files in the Sam and Max folders, rename the .aud files to .ogg and convert them to mp3 (or just listen to the ogg files, if you have a media player which'll read them, like Media Player Classic)

    *Slaps the .aud files from Episode 4 on a USB thumbdrive and boots up Ubuntu*
  • edited March 2007
    thanks for the tip
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