Glowing endoursement

edited February 2007 in Sam & Max
For those of you who read web-comics, Sam Logan of the webcomic Sam and Fuzzy, wrote a little mini-review of Sam and Max in todays comic's news post just scroll down to the bottom of the page. Unfortunately he does not have good words for Bone.


  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    I saw that a little while ago. We're getting a lot of traffic from his site today.

    There's a good chance the only Bone game he tried was Out from Boneville, not The Great Cow Race. Out from Boneville came out on the same day Telltale announced they'd be making a Sam & Max game, and a lot of Sam & Max fans played it and were disappointed. Many of these people didn't play Cow Race and don't realize that a lot of improvements were made in the second game. (Which is fine, they're not under any obligation to, but it always makes me sad when someone who only played Boneville says the Bone games were bad, not having tried the sequel.)
  • edited February 2007
    Bone is amazing.
  • edited February 2007
    Well, I tried the demo of Benville, I liked it okay, I'm a huge Bone Fan, I just don't have the money to get either of the games, Sam and Max season 1 was an early Christmas present.
  • edited February 2007
    Bone was ok... the problem with Bone is that it is/was pure fan-service ... Sam & Max are a whole lot easier to get into if you don't know anything about the series already.
  • edited February 2007
    I hadn't read a single Bone comic before playing Out from Boneville (and actually, I still haven't read any), but I liked the game enough to want to hear and see more about the story and the characters, thus I also played The Great Cow Race, which was of course a lot better than the first Bone game, but Out from Boneville had its charming moments as well, like with the possum kids.
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