The Cliffhanger Resolution Thread: Episode I

edited January 2011 in Back to the Future
Describe here how our heroes get out of this unfortunate predicament!

(Seriously or not, your choice!)

These are some heavy spoilers, Doc!

-Doc reverses the polarity of the neutron flow.
-Marty is brought back by the power of ________.
--A: Friendship
--B: Memory
--C: Rock
--D: Love
-Marty is resurrected by The Big Bang II!
-Marty, just before he fades out, wonders why it took him a week to vanish in the first film, yet is fading after only hours here. He then reappears in a puff of logic!
-I don't know! *fling* ahhhhhh!!!


  • edited January 2011
    It was just a dream and Marty wakes up in his bed
    Marty finds out that Kid Tannen is his real grandfather and that he got him into jail before he could meet his grandmother.
    He is rescued by:
    b)Santa Clause
    c)Garden gnomes
    Sam&Max appear in their time elevator and repair the damage to the time stream after he faded completely
  • edited January 2011
    Triloge wrote: »
    Describe here how our heroes get out of this unfortunate predicament!

    I feel a sudden urge to advertise my video series, which will resolve the cliffhanger in the next episode!

    Serious answer: Marty and Doc prevent Arthur from going to court, fixing the paradox Marty created.

    Funny answer: The second before Marty fades out for good, the Rubber Pants Commandos come in and save the day!
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