Hill Valley City Map

edited February 2011 in Back to the Future
Due to the fact how BTTF:TG is designed players are not allowed to roam around Hill Valley and its sourroundings.
Actually I have to say that I like what TTG have brought to us with this game. Very much indeed.
The only thing I missed till now is, that you can not explore that much in the game. The scenes where you are able to walk around are very limited. What I liked at the movie too, was how a place you know changed from era to era. Of course it has mostly to do with the courthouse square but I wonder how other parts of Hill Valley look(ed) like.
In BTTF:TG it was nice to see the place where Edna Strickland lived in 1986 and meet that location again as it was in 1931 where Arthur McFly lived in this house. But such "comparisons" I would like to see more frequently. I found it a pity that there wasn't more of HV to explore in 1986. To see how things get changed during the years. Maybe in the upcoming episodes there are wider environments. I would appreciate that.
This leads me directly to the question: Is there any source how the city layout of Hill Valley looked like in the movies? Mostly it takes place at Courthouse Square but what about the other parts of the city? Lyon Estates is 2 Miles away from the city center and what is there between? Where is Doc's garage? Where is Maple Street or JFK-Drive located? How far away is Hilldale? Where is Lone Pine Mall?


  • edited January 2011
    All I can tell you for sure is that the Lone Pine Mall is a ten minute run from Courthouse Square.
  • edited January 2011
    It could be simillar to set up of the map used in puzzle agent of the penal zone.
  • edited January 2011
    Here's a nice video showing some of the locations:

  • edited January 2011
    Claudia Wells is still kinda foxy...
  • edited January 2011
    if you like women who look like they had some failed plastic surgery and/or are using botox, yeah.
  • edited January 2011
    Here's a nice video showing some of the locations:


    I watched your video.
  • edited January 2011
    I just made this fast sketch (not scaled) which should be more or less right.

    The distances are all referred to courthouse square.
    The Lyon Estates are confirmed to be 2 miles away from the city center, as can be seen in BTTF I when marty leaves the Delorean behind the billboard in 1955 and walks into the city.
    Lone Pine Mall is further away than Lyon Estates because Marty arrives in 1955 at Peabody's farm and when he drove off he reaches Lyon Estates just a few moments later. Then he continues on foot to Hill Valley.
    Lone Pine Mall/Peabody's farm should be close to Lyon Estates because when Marty returns to 1985 he reaches Courthouse Square at 1:24am and after the Delorean's engine broke he manages to follow the lybians on foot and is able to arrive at Lone Pine Mall at 1:33am. If the average running speed of a man is about 13 miles per hour (20km/h) Marty would be able to run 2,08 miles or 3,3 kilometers in 9 minutes.
    Because Marty is asked to pick up the video camera from Doc's garage when heading to Twin Pines Mall it seems that Doc's garage is somewhere between Lyon Estates and the mall.
    The Bluebird Motel sign at Main Street should be about a quarter mile or 400m away from Courthouse Square. This is because the Delorean accelerates in 11 seconds from 0-60mp/h or manages at least 100mp/h in 17 seconds. So accelerating to 88mp/h equals more or less the distance of 400m which is about 1/4 mile.

    maybe also some of the bttfhillvalley-mod team can approve this cause they are recreating Hill Valley but not only in one era.
  • edited January 2011
    Cyphox wrote: »
    if you like women who look like they had some failed plastic surgery and/or are using botox, yeah.

    my favorite :p

    No I said "kinda" come on for a woman her age she looks great.
  • edited January 2011
    We were working with something like this (Not made by us. I forgot the original creator of the image):


    Some points are wrong, like Riverside/JFK Drive and Twin Pines Mall, but everything seems to be in place.
  • edited January 2011
    this map is quite impressive although some locations are on the wrong place - as you already mentioned, carlos.

    I assume that the layout of the streets and rivers is invented as there's no evidence for that. But sticking to the clues the movies are giving plus the fact that Hill Valley is inspired by a typical small town in the hillside to the east of San Francisco this should be a very good base for your mod.
    As the Courthouse Square itself is quite a challenge to model, what about the entire town! I wonder how many artists at bttfhillvalley are working on the city alone!

    That's the advantage of Telltale Games: They "just" need to create certain locations relevant to the plot they are providing but it is not meant to roam around freely in the whole environment.
  • edited January 2011
    Yep, street layout was invented by the original artist based on the map shown at the train station in III -the lake was made up, but it has a nice, far away, location-. Nice work indeed :D.

    We have some generic houses and some early locations, but we're focusing on the Square for the next release. The progress can be seen at our gallery.
  • edited January 2011
    Oh, that reminds me, somebody posted a nice scan of the map from BTTF3 in another thread:

  • edited January 2011
    okay, so we have a very good topografic base and it is canon as well.
    guess that's the map carlos meant.

    So with some studying of nearby real towns it should be possible to recreate a very accurate map of Hill Valley throughout the different eras.
  • edited January 2011
    I have a map of Hill Valley
    I find in bttf.com
    It's one

    and some make this to this

    but there have so many mistakes
    so i am making a new version of this

    I just show you a small version
    because i did not finish it

    I will post it on bttf.com when i finish

    P.S Sorry of my bad English
  • edited January 2011
    The main problem with the map hk_ben posted is the track direction to Carson spur: It should be down, not up. If you wanted that direction, the Clocktower should be on the left side of the track, which moves everything else. Also, it doesn't include the Used Cars lot and the Studebaker/Toyota workshop behind the CourtHouse (looks like the game doesn't have it either).

    And yep, the map LuigiHann posted is 99.9% accurate (everything's in place, except for the tracks that go beyond the ravine). That map is a backup prop for III, not actually screen-used. The screen-used map may have been burned down with the rest of the town in the -poetic fate- lightning fire.
  • edited January 2011
    Yes , there have many things not included. I try hard to put all things in the map. Now, the most difficult is downtown. The old version is not clear. It did not show many thing , like botshop, fusion bar in 2015 etc. and the shop size is not correct , i need to make it myself . I replay Bttf many times and go to Bttf wiki to want the map near real Hill Valley.

    And Carlos85G I think you saw this.
  • edited January 2011
    hk_ben wrote: »

    Yes... I think I've gone to that forum before :p
  • edited February 2011
    i have a big problem now!

    This photo show the direction.
    That mean train track passed east-west through Hill Valley in this photo.

    But in bttf 3 and the train map show us the train track should be north-south.
  • edited February 2011
    WOW that picture really looks like the game setting. o.0 Is there a google map or so of this??

    Edit: DOH My bad, I reconize it from the movie now.. seeing Marty... I thought at 1st it was based off a city.
  • edited February 2011
    No one help me ?
  • edited February 2011
    Technically speaking those signs don't always point in the direction they say, they just point in the direction of the road you have to take to get onto the highway that goes in that direction...
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