Clues in Edna's Newspaper Stacks?

Did anyone else take notice of the headlines that Marty reads while searching through Edna Strickland's stacks for news of the speakeasy fire? Is it possible we may eventually see the following events?

1. Soup Kitchen Exposed

2. Hill Valley Expo Wows

3. Famous Singer Goes Missing


  • edited January 2011
    Did anyone else take notice of the headlines that Marty reads while searching through Edna Strickland's stacks for news of the speakeasy fire? Is it possible we may eventually see the following events?

    1. Soup Kitchen Exposed

    2. Hill Valley Expo Wows

    3. Famous Singer Goes Missing

    If you look at the episode descriptions on the tt website, it starts off on Episode 4 with 'It's time for the Hill Valley Expo!' That billboard you park the Delorean behind is also advertising the Expo.
  • edited January 2011
    Yeah, I did notice that. I think they're gonna have some sort of impact on future episodes, maybe even Episode 2, given that we'll still be in 1931 and those events were listed around the time of the speakeasy burning down. Weather Marty was reading the events in reverse or the correct order is another question.
  • edited January 2011
    redfish wrote: »
    If you look at the episode descriptions on the tt website, it starts off on Episode 4 with 'It's time for the Hill Valley Expo!' That billboard you park the Delorean behind is also advertising the Expo.

    Well there you go, the benefits of conducting proper research before posting! I'm actually a bit surprised at the detail included in the episode synopses. I also noticed the billboard as well. Looks like we may spend quite a bit of time in 1931.
  • edited January 2011
    Don't forget: "Local Shopkeeper Attacked by Zombies".

  • edited January 2011
    Klatuu wrote: »
    Don't forget: "Local Shopkeeper Attacked by Zombies".


    Robbed by a pair of zombies even. Makes me wonder who the zombies might have been. ;) lol
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