Download links not showing up

edited January 2011 in Game Support
I am having trouble with the download links for a few games - they do not show up. I emailed on January 5th, but apart from the automated "Your email has been received"-message assigning the code 'issue-41931' to my problem, there has been no answer.

Here's the story:
I bought my wife some games before Christmas. It was the holiday pack.

It was order no 600090875721514 | Placed December 15, 2010. I can dig up the gift code as well if needed.

When I tried to download it, I clicked on the 'click here to get your gift'. The first time it took the gift code, and we logged in with my login (same one I purchased the games with). It showed the purchases grayed out with no download link. There's nothing listed at all under the "Your Games!" header.

Thinking that the problem was that the game was purchased as a gift and therefore couldn't be used from the same account it was purchased with, I decided to try it with a new login for my wife, but when I tried to enter in the gift code again, it said it couldn't find it.

So, obviously the gift code was used, but where are her games?
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