How to skip dialogue lines on mac versions?

edited January 2011 in Game Support
Just a quick question - I see that on the PC versions you just right-click to skip dialogue lines you've heard already... I've got the mac versions of BTTF, Monkey Island and am currently playing Strong Bad, but Macs don't have a right-click, and I've tried alternatives (cmd+click, cntrl+click etc) but nothing seems to work... is there a hidden trick Telltale? :o


  • edited January 2011
    You can actually go into System Preferences and activate right clicks on your mouse (every Apple mouse has two button despite the appearance they only have one). Right clicking will skip dialogue in the Mac version as well.
  • edited January 2011
    If you're using a really old Apple mouse it might be completely incapable of right-clicking. It's good practice for developers to allow ctrl-click to replace right-click because of that. But seriously, life is so much better with 2 buttons and a scroll wheel. :)
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