Theories about time circuit malfunction

Okay, I'm sure a lot of us have wonder what exactly caused the Last Time Departed readout of the Time Circuits to glitch out. Here's my theory about that. It was an unexpected side effect of the DeLorean's automatic retrieval system. After all, it was untested. Doc's message actually sounded hopeful that it worked. And Doc in jail even forgot about it. It kinda makes you wonder how Doc ever got through science classes in school without testing his hypotheses. lol


  • edited January 2011
    if it is a "side-effect" of the automatic retrieval system Doc should be fixing it as soon as possible because otherwise the whole idea wouldn't work.

    remember, this system is thought to help IF something goes wrong and the timetraveller is stuck in any decade and can't make it back to the delorean.
    but how rescue someone, IF you do not get any information WHEN he/she is stuck.

    i do not like the automatic retrieval system THAT much because it has a rather far-fetched taste for me. when it got mentioned for the first time in the game I thought they have taken the idea of the animated series.
    I mean if you put in some sort of automatic return, HOW do you know when and where the person you want to adress is at that special moment?

    Doc programmed this system that the car will end in front of his garage in 1986. But Marty didn't know anything of that so how could Doc know that only Marty will find the car in front of the garage? It's behind the parking lot of Burger King so actually a lot of people will see it (unlocked!).
    And how could the car drive on its own through the streets (or the countryside) to speed up to 88mph that the TT will end exactly in front of Docs garage?
  • edited January 2011
    I think a future which has flying cars,could have self-driving cars too.
  • edited January 2011
    A future that has flying cars could have an advanced "button" to "press" that makes the last time left readout appear "blank" in order to confuse "fanboys".
  • edited January 2011
    Don't think about it too much. Telltale certainly didn't.

    They ran a poll. Found out that most people, like idiots, said "THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO A BACK TO THE FUTURE INSTALLMENT IS THE DELOREAN". So Telltale was herded into a position where their marketing guys said that a DeLorean needed to be in the game. Personally, I said Time Train, and if everyone wasn't being an idiot, they would have said Time Train too, but hey whatever right, why use what already exists in-universe in a way that evolves naturally rather than doing our best to re-tread old ground, mirite lol.

    Just ignore it. It's relatively minor and easy to wave off because it's not a problem with the base narrative at the end of it, just a really obscenely stupid detour in an otherwise alright story.
    tope1983 wrote: »
    Doc programmed this system that the car will end in front of his garage in 1986. But Marty didn't know anything of that so how could Doc know that only Marty will find the car in front of the garage? It's behind the parking lot of Burger King so actually a lot of people will see it (unlocked!).
    ...wait, so when you see a person's car in their own driveway, your first instinct is to check if it's unlocked and carjack it if it is?
    And how could the car drive on its own through the streets (or the countryside) to speed up to 88mph that the TT will end exactly in front of Docs garage?
    This actually makes sense to me, personally. Doc ALREADY had the car set up to be driven via remote control in Back to the Future Part 1, so it seems really plausible to me that he could auotomate the thing. This is the least of my issues with the whole macguffin, quite frankly.
  • edited January 2011
    The train is a BAD CHOICE AS A TIME MACHINE. The DeLorean is small and normally easier to hide than a HUGE TRAIN!
  • edited January 2011
    who doesn't love massive flying trains that travel through time that are filled with really obnoxious children?
  • edited January 2011
    I never said I didn't like the train. A steampunk time machine is neat. Just not very practical.
  • Marty also doesn't know how to use a train so hard to rescue doc that way. And trains aren't like cars where you can just start it up and go, they need tracks and build up. Now the time train we see does fly but no way marty would know how to use it and i seriously doubt they want too many people see a train flying around.

    I dont see the time circuits malfunction as a bad thing. The destination time was malfunctioning in part 2, now its the last time departed. So far the only part of it which works the entire time is the current time.
  • edited February 2011
    It seems to me that the delorean just has a broken clock, and it has nothing to do with the automatic retrieval system. The clock's probably the only thing Doc never bothered upgrading or replacing.
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