Dr. Browns... Celery Drink ._.

edited February 2011 in Back to the Future

I know, the only coincidence is that the brand name is DR. BROWN. And I know Brown is a common surname and everything. But the reason I'm opening a thread for this is; Brad Jones' latest "soda review".

If you don't know him (You probably don't) I'll just rush it out for ya. He's one of the successful contributors of ThatGuyWithTheGlasses.com, a site on reviewers reviewing things they'd like to do so (and making some siginifcant bucks out of it thanks to blip.tv). Brad mainly reviews movies that are less known and/or controversial because of their extreme gore or sexual contents (mostly sexual, but Brad always cuts those elements in his reviews so his videos are always SFW) or poorly executed movies (and sometimes porn movies that have stupid stories, but yeah noone watches porn for their stories so beat me if I know why he reviews those as well), and lately, soft drinks (mostly sodas) and snack food. I especially watch these "Brad Tries" videos of him because it childishly amuses me to see him trying to chug down something that tastes like shit.

Anyway, so Brad stumbles upon a celery flavored drink (I didn't know it existed, hell I didn't know it was possible) namely Dr. Brown's Cel-Ray. And he suddenly starts to reference the movies, and even does some good impressions which I found highly amusing. Spoiler alert:
He likes the drink.

Those who just want to watch that bit, just jump to minute 16. He also makes a BTTF reference at the very start of the video when he opens the cardboard box containing the sodas, pointing out that the packaging of them made it look like the cardboard box contains plutonium in it.

And I didn't know celery+peanut butter duo was something EDIBLE.


  • edited January 2011
    Celery soda? Sounds bad, but I want to try it. Obviously Doc's lesser-known invention. :D
  • edited January 2011
    From Brad's own words; "He's a genius! He invented time travel and a carbonated celery drink that ACTUALLY tastes GOOD!"
  • edited January 2011
    Seriously, people? I grew up on Dr. Brown's, so did most of my exended family. Must be a Jewish thing I suppose. Actually, I've been cravig a Dr. Brown's chocolate soda for a while now...
  • edited January 2011
    You gotta give me credit, the most extreme soft drink I had was some pineapple flavored non-alcoholic malt beverage. This does come awkward to some people like me.

    Wish we had such things here, though, like A CHOCOLATE SODA wow I can't even dream about that!
  • edited January 2011
    You know for me the weird thing about this thread is not the fact that there's a brand called Dr Brown's and they make weird drinks, it is that guy doing the review is called Brad Jones which is the same name of an Australian goalkeeper that used to play for my local football team Middlesbrough - he only left at the start of this current season after being with the club for 9 years.

    I know it's not that weird as there will be plenty of Brad Jones' out there. For instance it's not as weird as another former Middlesbrough player having the same exact date of birth as me. But now I'm getting way off topic. Back on topic, just the idea of a celery drink is just strange to me.
  • edited January 2011
    Saw this a few days ago on Brad's site. As soon as I saw the brand name was "Dr. Brown's", I expected just a token BTTF quote, but I was very pleased with how long his BTTF tangent was.
  • edited January 2011
    Falanca wrote: »
    You gotta give me credit, the most extreme soft drink I had was some pineapple flavored non-alcoholic malt beverage. This does come awkward to some people like me.

    Wish we had such things here, though, like A CHOCOLATE SODA wow I can't even dream about that!

    Chocolate soda isn't as extreme as some people think. It's similar to Italian style soda- seltzer, with a shot of syrup. You actually need t swill the can (not shake it, unless you want to play a round of Booze-Free Fizzball) before you drink it or all the syrup congeals at the bottom. Despite being chocolate flavored, its not overly sweet, and very refreshing with some mousse on a hot summer day.
  • edited January 2011
    wow this is really stretching things a bit. This has nothing do with BTTF other than a randomly titled beverage.
  • edited January 2011
    Dr. Browns makes cream soda, ginger ale, root beer, orange soda, dark cherry soda, etc;..
  • edited January 2011
    Dude, not even remotely related, but if you want some weird flavors look for Faygo soda's, they're only sold in like 4 state for some reason, but they have some really good cream soda and stuff, and then you get to the pie flavoured sodas. Let me just say, Key Lime Pie soda: not as good as the pie itself.
  • edited January 2011
    Why does America and Canada get all the nice drinks, in England we just get the standard cola, dr pepper, fanta and that stuff, but you get all this celery soda, mountain dew and stuff :(
  • edited January 2011
    We don't even have Dr Pepper here. Only respectable ones are Coca Cola and Pepsi. We had RC Cola several years ago but even that was too sophisticated for here I assume.

    I see US like a carbonation showdown, really. Beverages come and go but they actually get to try it before they stop selling it or they get banned or whatever. They even got to try Four Loko when it was available I mean, hardcore dude!
  • edited January 2011
    Falanca wrote: »
    We don't even have Dr Pepper here. Only respectable ones are Coca Cola and Pepsi. We had RC Cola several years ago but even that was too sophisticated for here I assume.

    I see US like a carbonation showdown, really. Beverages come and go but they actually get to try it before they stop selling it or they get banned or whatever. They even got to try Four Loko when it was available I mean, hardcore dude!

    We still have RC! I don't think I'd call it sophisticated though. I live in the USRC...where do you live? I like living in the USCHERRY though, I love cherry soda products.

    We had Four Loko in the house before, brother brought it home from a party...

    Source: I live in the USFourLoko of America. What you need is a time machine to go back in time and ask me for some...

    Sorry had to take a stab in the dark to stay on topic in a thread like THIS one...
  • edited January 2011
    doodo! wrote: »
    We still have RC! I don't think I'd call it sophisticated though. I live in the USRC...where do you live? I like living in the USCHERRY though, I love cherry soda products.

    Turkey. Yeah well actually having some carbonated drinks that doesn't make you sick or show signs of allergy is a bliss when you live in here.
  • edited January 2011
    Falanca wrote: »
    Turkey. Yeah well actually having some carbonated drinks that doesn't make you sick or show signs of allergy is a bliss when you live in here.

    Doesn't sound like America to me, sounds like communism or something...
  • edited January 2011
    doodo! wrote: »
    Doesn't sound like America to me, sounds like communism or something...

    Potayto, potahto...
  • edited January 2011
    Falanca wrote: »
    potayto, potahto...

  • edited February 2011
    GeorgeC wrote: »
    Why does America and Canada get all the nice drinks, in England we just get the standard cola, dr pepper, fanta and that stuff, but you get all this celery soda, mountain dew and stuff :(

    It has to do with our culture. Soda fountains got really popular here at the turn of the 19th century and continued to be really popular for several decades. Naturally, the more exposure we have to a product, the more variation there is.

    On a side note, I really like Dry soda. Rhubarb is my favorite.
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