Did Doc & Clara "mate" after the town festival?



  • edited January 2011
    God this is scary..... :P
  • edited January 2011
    church1138 wrote: »
    *9 months later*

    "Nooo! I refuse to accept the responsibility!"

    LOL, that's a good one...

    Viagra!? Where you're going you don't need any viagra...
  • edited January 2011

    "Great Scott! Marty Get out of our room!"

    sorry had to :P
  • edited January 2011
    daeva0123 wrote: »

    "Great Scott! Marty Get out of our room!"

    sorry had to :P

    That's just disturbing.
  • edited January 2011
    Oh he did channel the lightning's electrical current into flux capacitor alright...
  • edited February 2011
    Good to see this thread stopped being disturbing.

    Why is this thread about Doc and Clara "mating"? Shouldn't we refer to it as "nasty in the pasty" or "fluxing"? Maybe even "hitting that at 88MPH"? I should just quit trying to keep up with you guys...
  • edited February 2011
    Mating, because that's what Doc refers to sex as: "In order to get those two to successfully mate..." etc.
  • edited February 2011
  • edited February 2011
    FemaleDoc wrote: »
    "Please excuse the crudity of this model... I am 65 years old after all."

    1985 Doc is actually 70. And to answer the question, yes Doc probably fed Clara a scientific length that night...
  • edited February 2011
    "Is that a test tube in your pocket Dr. Brown? Or are U just happy to see me?"
  • edited February 2011
    1.21 jigawatts!!!
  • edited February 2011
    A daily dose of perversion, nah, but once in a while is nice.
  • edited February 2011
    Seriously this is just hilarious :D
  • edited February 2011
    Honestly, I never really thought so. It seemed super innocent, and puppy-love-ish. I don't think either of the characters were physically virgins when they met, but neither had really met someone with whom they identified with so well, who they connected with on an intellectual and emotional level and perceived as an equal. I think what they shared that night was emotional intimacy. I've heard that you've found a friend when you meet someone that says "You like that too?! I thought I was the only one!" and I think that's very much where they were at. They were attracted but they were also so facinated with each other that sitting, talking and listening to one another was more a priority and more fullfilling to them than sex right then. I don't think there was a need to que the porn music just yet, because:
    I understand. I understand that because you know I'm partial to the writings of Jules Verne you concocted those mendacities in order to take advantage of me!

    In the context of the movie, I think what happened is that they spent this special night looking doe-eyed at each other and finding out they have the same passions. Then he shows up and says he can't see her anymore. She asks why, he says he can't say, and can't take her with him. If she's going to have a broken heart, she at least wants to know why, and so asks for the straight up truth about why they can't be together. Doc tells about the time machine, time travel, and being from the future. Those are the mendacities Clara speaks of.

    She feels abandoned and then, manipulated. She thinks that because Doc knows she likes Jules Verne, that he would feed her some sci-fi bull in order to have a one night stand with her before he skips town, and pulls the same bit on some other woman. Sorta like the classic soldier "I'm going off to war tommorrow" tactic. Clara seems to have thought that she had been setup, and now he had shown up to trick her into weepy, tragic goodbye sex. Before he arrived at her house to say bye, she was probably thinking how unlike any other man she had met he was, in that he didn't try to get it on with her the first time she laughed at one of his jokes. Hoping he wouldn't turn out like "the others," whether those were in her personal past or situations she had heard about. That's why that subject was on her mind and was the first conclusion she jumped to when fed the nonsensical time travel story.

    So dl,dr: Nah it was totally G rated, until Marty left for 1985 and then at the blacksmith's when the work horse is rocking okay endpost
  • edited February 2011
    I'm pretty sure they were doing it on the hoverboard as they were sailing away from the train.

  • edited February 2011
    What did I tell you!!? *slam* *slam* *slam* 88 MILES PER HOOOURRRRRRR!!!!
  • edited February 2011
    FemaleDoc wrote: »
    Sure it was the 1800s, but did people really wait until they were married back then to mate, as Doc would say? Doc is out all night and seems just a bit too happy the next morning. Plus, Clara made that remark where she accused Doc of pretending to like Jules Verne so he could "take advantage of" her. Sounds like she was accusing him of breaking up with her now that he's gotten laid and doesn't need her anymore.

    What do you guys think? :D

    If you're asking a history question, the problems with having sex out of wedlock were not purely moral concerns; at that time, there were still no reliable methods of birth control or safe methods of abortion. So if the woman got pregnant and you refused to marry her, you'd either be endangering her life -- in the case that she wanted to go through with an abortion procedure -- or leaving her to carry the financial burden of the child herself.

    Thats why a man wouldn't be considered a respectable person if he didn't wait until he had legal obligations.
  • edited February 2011
    FemaleDoc wrote: »
    Sure it was the 1800s, but did people really wait until they were married back then to mate, as Doc would say? Doc is out all night and seems just a bit too happy the next morning. Plus, Clara made that remark where she accused Doc of pretending to like Jules Verne so he could "take advantage of" her. Sounds like she was accusing him of breaking up with her now that he's gotten laid and doesn't need her anymore.

    What do you guys think? :D

    This thread is awesome, I'm laughing my head off!

    Well of course they did it, as you said - he's just a bit too happy the next morning! XD Also, do you remember the deleted scenes of BttF? They show us a delightful pervy side of Doc we didn't get to see on screen (which I'm grateful for, he's creepy lol), that Doc knows everything there is to know! *bow chicka bow wow*
  • edited February 2011
    you think that one of you could make a fake porn video of doc and clara on youtube with sounds from doc and clara?
  • Isn't Emmett like 77?
  • edited March 2011
    Wow, this thread crossed the line and waved at it as it went by at 88 MPH.
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