Check this out

edited November 2004 in General Chat
found this in the sam n max net at lucasforums, "On G4TechTV (A Computer TV Channel) last night, they announced that TellTaleGames WILL be working on the new Sam & Max game. They didn't say much else, but it nice to see."


  • edited November 2004
    That doesn't sound likely. They would have annonced it here first wouldn't have they.
  • edited November 2004
    Well they've made no secret that they want the licence once it expires with LucasArts. So the report may just be twisting that public information. Or maybe they have talked with Steve Purcell, and the info source came from Purcell's end? Or maybe G4TV've wiretapped Brendan's telephone.

    I wouldn't care if Telltale announced it via a body painted zebra entered into the New York Marathon... just so long as it gets released!
  • edited November 2004
    I wouldn't care if Telltale announced it via a body painted zebra entered into the New York Marathon... just so long as it gets released!

    I'd be careful about giving them too many ideas
  • edited November 2004
    I wouldn't care if Telltale announced it via a body painted zebra entered into the New York Marathon... just so long as it gets released!

    I'd be careful about giving them too many ideas

    Are you kidding? I'd pay to see that!
  • edited November 2004
    how about a giant inflatable max in the macy day parade
  • edited November 2004
    or maybe a Max aquarium decoration
  • edited November 2004
    How about a giant mechanical godzilla version of max burning down buildings saying,
    We could send it off to Lucasarts. What a day out that would be!
  • edited November 2004
    How about a giant mechanical godzilla version of max burning down buildings saying,
    We could send it off to Lucasarts. What a day out that would be!

    hahaha that would be great.
  • edited November 2004
    But what happens if it gets out of control? Wouldn't that be a problem?
  • edited November 2004
    Then you'd have to build a giant mechanical version of Sam, to talk reasonably to the giant mechanical version of Max.
  • A simpler time

  • Did you really just revive a thread that's over a decade old just to post that?

    MarcTy posted: »

    A simpler time

  • Come on man, the thread is 2004, why'd you bump it.

    MarcTy posted: »

    A simpler time

  • edited April 2017


    Tis' old.

  • In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have posted anything, either...

    Cody_nara posted: »

    Wow! Tis' old.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Please don't necrobump really old threads.

    MarcTy posted: »

    A simpler time

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