An interesting observation... (Screenshot included)

edited February 2011 in Back to the Future
Anyone notice the (seemingly) random gibberish that the time display gives in act one when marty hits the display and again before he leaves for 1931?

Just for shits and giggles I decided to nap a screen shot of it, and i don't think its jibberish... If it is indeed a partial date, it sure as hell isn't in 1931!

Personally I think its an intentional clue, it would be interesting to hear what you all think about it.

The 2800's?



  • edited January 2011
    It still looks like gibberish to me, but who knows? It may have some meaning in a later episode. I don't think they would go as far into the future as 2800 though.
  • edited January 2011
    There's no month abbreviation that would cause those particular LEDs to light up...
  • edited January 2011
    What light is producing the center stem of the Y on the middle box? There's no such LED there.
  • edited February 2011
    Benito wrote: »
    What light is producing the center stem of the Y on the middle box? There's no such LED there.

    They probably had to flub that one because there's never been shown any months other than OCT, NOV, SEP, and JAN in the movies.
  • edited February 2011
    Looks like dEC to me... disregarding the (flawed) LED thingy.
  • edited February 2011
    As it's the LAST TIME DERARTED field it could only indiacte that this Delorean is NOT from 1931 but maybe 2800 somewhen... Or this is all reading too much between the lines!
  • edited February 2011
    Yeah I am always the one with all the crazy theories

    Trouble is I turn out to be right half of the time :eek:
  • edited February 2011
    Its probably says DEC 05 2010
  • They probably had to flub that one because there's never been shown any months other than OCT, NOV, SEP, and JAN in the movies.

    Not quite true actually, december and july are shown when doc tests out the time circuits.
  • edited February 2011
    For DEC there are too many of the lines in the month display....
    So given that lights that don't light up for the correct display
    DO light up for the glitched display we can't take anything on that display for granted.
    Which, to me at least, means that it's all gibberish.

    Edit: And just look at the minutes display... the only two numbers
    that have the small o in their display are the 6 and the 8.
    Both of them don't make sense as the "ten" digit.
    So yeah, again, line lights up that has no business being lit.
    --> Gibberish. Sorry.
  • edited February 2011
    ..holy moly...
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