Doc Brown- Reading Between the Lines

edited February 2011 in Back to the Future
One thing I really like about the BTTF trilogy is how it's possible to come up with your own interpretations based on ambiguous dialogue or actions. Let's discuss some of these and tell each other how we read into them. My observations mostly center on Doc Brown:


1. Doc's mansion was destroyed. How? I always figured it was an experiment gone haywire, but some people speculate it was intentional to collect insurance.

2. Mr. Strickland refers to Doc as "dangerous" and "a real nutcase." Even as a kid I immediately interpreted that line to imply that this was the general attitude of the town towards Doc. This is further supported by the fact that the only person who seems to hang around with Doc is Marty (and possibly Jennifer). This is further supported in Part II when Biff says that Doc is a "crazy, wild-eyed old man who claims to be a scientist" and when Doc is declared legally insane.

3. We never hear Marty's parents mention Doc. In fact, it seems that they don't know about Marty's friendship with him.

4. Doc says that he's had "enough practical jokes for one evening" because he thinks Marty's messing with him by saying he's from the future. Perhaps it also implies that Doc is used to teenagers playing tricks on him.

5. Doc tells Marty that he's "made a real difference" in his life. Perhaps, again, this could imply how lonely Doc is and that he's not used to having friends, or even used to people not thinking he's insane.

6. Marty hugs Doc. Doc looks freaked out. Okay, we know he looks freaked out because he's beginning to realize that what Marty has to tell him about the future is a life-or-death scenario. But perhaps he is he also freaked out because he's not used to someone caring that much about him. Maybe he generally doesn't like to be touched.


1. Young Doc talks to older Doc. Once again, he seems a bit lonely and wants to connect with people.


1. When Marty hugs Doc this time, Doc welcomes it. Maybe he's more open to affection now.

2. Doc is suddenly surrounded by friends. Is it because he's pretending to be something he's not in order to blend in? Or has he socially "matured" in some way?

3. Doc is a 65-year-old virgin. He finds the idea of falling in love unscientific, suggesting that he's never been in any kind of relationship. Until meeting Clara, he is mostly asexual.

4. Doc falls in love with Clara very quickly. Once again, this supports the suggestion that he might have had a mostly lonely life.

What does everybody think?


  • edited February 2011
    I honestly tink that you should continue the list with the BTTF game examples :D It's cool! Well, some were obvious, but it's cool to read them all!
  • edited February 2011
    Great observations! I'd like to see more. If I see any more, this is the first place I'll go!
  • edited February 2011
    I just noticed in the BTTF game (going along with BTTF #6 on FemaleDoc's post)
    When Edna shook young Docs hand when they first met, he looked freaked out and didn't know what to say.
  • edited February 2011
    Little off topic, but after reading this it got me thinking, how did Marty meet Doc and befriend him if everyone thought he was crazy?
  • edited February 2011
    Iggman88 wrote: »
    Little off topic, but after reading this it got me thinking, how did Marty meet Doc and befriend him if everyone thought he was crazy?

    Not a clue lol
    Maybe they'll say something about it in the game?
  • edited February 2011
    Well, what I want to know also is if people had the same interpretations as I (before I suggested them, that is).
  • edited February 2011
    Sounds about right. Though, Doc was 71, not 65. ;)
  • edited February 2011
    Sounds about right. Though, Doc was 71, not 65. ;)

    According to the original scripts he was 65. They took artistic license in the game, making him a little older.
  • edited February 2011
    I just noticed in the BTTF game (going along with BTTF #6 on FemaleDoc's post)
    When Edna shook young Docs hand when they first met, he looked freaked out and didn't know what to say.

    Nah, I think he was just horny right there. ;)
  • edited February 2011
    FemaleDoc wrote: »
    According to the original scripts he was 65. They took artistic license in the game, making him a little older.

    And since Bob Gale okay'd it, then he's 71. ;) That rejuvenation clinic performed wonders!
  • edited February 2011
    And since Bob Gale okay'd it, then he's 71. ;) That rejuvenation clinic performed wonders!

    Bob Gale also said that only the movies are canon.

    I'd still like to know why young Doc's hair is brown instead of light blond as in the movies. I wonder if it was just something the artists thought looked better from a design perspective. Can anybody from Telltale confirm or deny?
  • edited February 2011
    FemaleDoc wrote: »
    Bob Gale also said that only the movies are canon.

    I'd still like to know why young Doc's hair is brown instead of light blond as in the movies. I wonder if it was just something the artists thought looked better from a design perspective. Can anybody from Telltale confirm or deny?

    In that case, his age would be unknown. Screenplays don't count as the actual movie.

    Game design wise, I dunno, but an explanation would be that his hair grew lighter with age, which is natural.
  • edited February 2011
    In that case, his age would be unknown. Screenplays don't count as the actual movie.

    Game design wise, I dunno, but an explanation would be that his hair grew lighter with age, which is natural.

    Is it? I've never heard of someone going from brown to blonde. The other way around maybe, as in my case.
  • edited February 2011
    FemaleDoc wrote: »
    Is it? I've never heard of someone going from brown to blonde. The other way around maybe, as in my case.

    Hair getting lighter with age? Yes. However, another thing to consider is all the chemicals and so forth that Doc works around. That stuff can affect hair color after a while.
  • edited February 2011
    Okay, let's not skew into a tangent about the hair color and age (I know; my bad). Let's have some in depth discussions about the stuff I brought up here. And please offer your own interpretations that you've gotten from the movies.
  • edited February 2011
    Well looking at the game, Doc grew up in the time of prohibition as the son of a law enforcement officer and in a time where the "Outlaws" were the "Heroes" to many people so a number of people would have picked on "Young Doc" as a way to get back at "The Man" meaning that along with Doc using all his spare time to experiment I'd say that Doc probably never developed the proper social skills.
    As to the origin of the friendship between Marty and the Doc it could actually be a time paradox thing, where the Doc cultivated the relationship to make sure that the whole time machine thing happened... it could also be something a simple as the Doc requiring someone to help out with his experimentation and given that the first version of the McFly family looked to be fairly poor Marty would have jumped at the chance for some spending money.
  • FemaleDoc wrote: »
    One thing I really like about the BTTF trilogy is how it's possible to come up with your own interpretations based on ambiguous dialogue or actions. Let's discuss some of these and tell each other how we read into them. My observations mostly center on Doc Brown:


    1. Doc's mansion was destroyed. How? I always figured it was an experiment gone haywire, but some people speculate it was intentional to collect insurance.

    never states but either theory makes sense

    2. Mr. Strickland refers to Doc as "dangerous" and "a real nutcase." Even as a kid I immediately interpreted that line to imply that this was the general attitude of the town towards Doc. This is further supported by the fact that the only person who seems to hang around with Doc is Marty (and possibly Jennifer). This is further supported in Part II when Biff says that Doc is a "crazy, wild-eyed old man who claims to be a scientist" and when Doc is declared legally insane.

    it seems by all accounts, he's a failure of a scientist who's inventions don't seem to work until the time machine. In 1955 he is shocked to find he invented something that works. At least in 1955 the policeman respects him. I'm sure he's had some experiments go wrong that are well known and possibly the house burning down.

    3. We never hear Marty's parents mention Doc. In fact, it seems that they don't know about Marty's friendship with him.
    You'd think they'd wonder who called at 1 am unless marty has his own line eh? Not sure if they meet in the original timeline but lorraine meets doc in 1955 for the first time under the current timeline. She knows where he lived and probably checked to see how his 'nephew' was over the years.

    4. Doc says that he's had "enough practical jokes for one evening" because he thinks Marty's messing with him by saying he's from the future. Perhaps it also implies that Doc is used to teenagers playing tricks on him.

    He assumes Ronald Regan becoming president is a joke and would be about as proposterous as the notion arnold schwarzenegger could become governor at one time (i hope they never do a BTTF remake but if they ever do, that should be the line used)

    5. Doc tells Marty that he's "made a real difference" in his life. Perhaps, again, this could imply how lonely Doc is and that he's not used to having friends, or even used to people not thinking he's insane.
    Maybe. Marty also gives him hope at a time he's struggling badly with his inventions and shows doc what's to come including the fact he'll live another 30 years

    6. Marty hugs Doc. Doc looks freaked out. Okay, we know he looks freaked out because he's beginning to realize that what Marty has to tell him about the future is a life-or-death scenario. But perhaps he is he also freaked out because he's not used to someone caring that much about him. Maybe he generally doesn't like to be touched.

    you mean before he goes back to 1985 at the end? Yeah he's probably not used to being touched.

    BTTF II:

    1. Young Doc talks to older Doc. Once again, he seems a bit lonely and wants to connect with people.
    Not sure if he deals with another scientist. Remember at this point he's already heard his future voice and does take a second look after he leaves so he probably pieces it together. I'm sure doc would probably love to re watch the part of marty going back to the future but not sure if he'd risk it given the possibility of a paradox. But anyhow Doc has obviously been thinking about the future and is probably considering the possibility of a visit. The reality is that if marty couldnt get back to the future, docs plan probably would have been to hold onto the delorean until he could get a hold of some plutonium, then travel back to 1955 and bring marty to 1985.


    1. When Marty hugs Doc this time, Doc welcomes it. Maybe he's more open to affection now.
    this is also 30 years later. Interesting that both times marty hugs doc in the trilogy are at times he knows doc will die.

    2. Doc is suddenly surrounded by friends. Is it because he's pretending to be something he's not in order to blend in? Or has he socially "matured" in some way?
    well i figure doc probably gets so involved in his work that he blocks out the outside world. In 1885 he probably has to try and make friends to at least get what he needs to attempt to fix the delorean (which he fails at) but he also needs to make a living as a black smith so he deals with customers for the first time. I also think he seems happier in 1885
    3. Doc is a 65-year-old virgin. He finds the idea of falling in love unscientific, suggesting that he's never been in any kind of relationship. Until meeting Clara, he is mostly asexual.
    we dont now if he's a virgin, we only see him at 2 points in his timeline.
    4. Doc falls in love with Clara very quickly. Once again, this supports the suggestion that he might have had a mostly lonely life.
    well doc is a quirky person so not many women could click with him, it just so happens clara does.
    What does everybody tink?

    see above
  • edited February 2011
    Yeah, technically we don't "know" if he's a virgin... or any of the other stuff. That's why it's interpretation and we're discussing interpretation.
  • edited February 2011
    Well looking at the game, Doc grew up in the time of prohibition as the son of a law enforcement officer and in a time where the "Outlaws" were the "Heroes" to many people so a number of people would have picked on "Young Doc" as a way to get back at "The Man" meaning that along with Doc using all his spare time to experiment I'd say that Doc probably never developed the proper social skills.

    I agree and I bet Emmett didn't tell his father. Judge Brown seems like the overbearing type that would slap ordeniences on villians that so much as breathed on his son wrong.
  • edited February 2011
    As for why Marty started hanging out with Doc, Marty's always seemed a bit like an anti-authority type. So when an "authority" like his parents or his teachers tell him things like "stay away from that Doc Brown character. He's a weirdo." his (Marty's) instinct is to go towards Doc. Or maybe all the kids in Marty's class were afraid of him, and they dared Marty to sneak into his lab, and Marty, just to prove he wasn't chicken, went to his lab, where Doc found him and instead of rebuking him, showed him some of his experiments and maybe even offered Marty a job helping him around the lab, and because of that, they became friends.
  • edited February 2011
    Some things we don't really need to know, and were not intended to know, and were never thought of to begin with.
  • edited February 2011
    Mary Jean Holmes does an excellent job of answering how Marty and Doc met in her fanfic Twice in a Lifetime.
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