Animation Goof-up - need help.

edited February 2011 in General Chat
Hey, guys. Note my avatar, here, and how the frames are kind of layering atop one another. I animated it in Photoshop, and looking at the preview, it seemed to work fine. When I uploaded it, however, it started acting as you see now.

Does anybody know what the issue is? Any help would be appreciated.


  • edited February 2011
    I didn't know Photoshop could animate. When I make animated GIFs, I make each frame as a separate image file and convert them with a free program called Benteton Movie GIF. Maybe that method would work better for you?
  • edited February 2011
    I'd recommend either Animation Studio, which comes with Paint Shop Pro and is actually free, or the also free Gifted Motion. Both of which are actually quite awesome programs specifically designed to making GIFs.
  • edited February 2011
    I'd recommend either Animation Studio, which comes with Paint Shop Pro and is actually free, or the also free Gifted Motion. Both of which are actually quite awesome programs specifically designed to making GIFs.

    Fixed it using Gifted Motion. :)

    Thank you much. This is a handy little tool.
  • edited February 2011
    I use the Paint Shop Pro Animation Studio extension thingy. See my icon...

  • edited February 2011
    I didn't know Photoshop could animate. When I make animated GIFs, I make each frame as a separate image file and convert them with a free program called Benteton Movie GIF. Maybe that method would work better for you?

    I also do it this way. But I use Gamani Gif Movie Gear.
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