What would you like to see in future episodes

edited February 2011 in Back to the Future
Ok im not sure if theres a similar thread, i hope not :D


What does everyone wana see by the end of the series e.g: Time train again, seeing marty set fire to the living room rug.

Even thought not many people like it im quite curious of what happend to the time train, althought we know clara and the kids are fine.


  • edited February 2011
    seeing marty set fire to the living room rug.
    LOL, What?
  • Milkman08 wrote: »
    LOL, What?

    I'm assuming he means the convo Marty has with his parents in 1955 near the end of part 1 about him setting fire to the living room rug when he's 8.

    Doc has to get to 2025 somehow, i'm assuming he does it using the time train.
  • edited February 2011
    I'm assuming he means the convo Marty has with his parents in 1955 near the end of part 1 about him setting fire to the living room rug when he's 8.
    Ah, I just remembered that scene. Got it.
    Actually, I'd love to see that in game.
  • edited February 2011
    I wouldn't mind seeing the Time Train again.

    I'd also like to see Telltale not stick quite so close to the BttF formula as they did in Ep 1. It was good for the first episode to show how close they were sticking to the source material, but it did make the story a bit too predictable. It'd be nice to see them branch out a bit more.
  • edited February 2011
    I'm assuming he means the convo Marty has with his parents in 1955 near the end of part 1 about him setting fire to the living room rug when he's 8.

    Doc has to get to 2025 somehow, i'm assuming he does it using the time train.

    Yeah thats what i ment.
    Also the reason i question the time train is because telltale did a survery about what you want the story line to be and it included something about a destroyed time train.
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