Playstation 3

edited February 2011 in General Chat
Again, new here, so have to ask. Just getting a Playstation 3 (haven't had a gaming console before apart from playing on a PC. Do all of the new games get made into PS3 games as well, or just some of them? Do they know in advance if they'll get made into one, or does it just depend? I think Monkey Island is on, and am really hoping that Jurassic Park will be also. Thanks.


  • edited February 2011
    Sam & Max Season 3, Tales of Monkey Island, and Strong Bad are currently on PS3.
  • edited February 2011
    I suspect that both Back to the Future and Jurassic Park will end up getting ported onto the PS3 once all five episodes for each have been released.

    I'm just guessing, mind, but given Telltale's track record, it's a pretty good bet.
  • edited February 2011
    BTTF is confirmed for the PS3 and the entire season will be $20.
  • edited February 2011
    In terms of non-telltale is a good time to buy a ps3. There are some excellent ps3 exculsives coming out this year. even some of the best looking multiplatform games (LA Noire, Dark Souls) started life as ps3 exclusives so Its safe to assume ps3 will be the better version. Not knocking xbox, but the only 360 exclusive I can see myself buying this year is gears of war. On the other hand 360 probably has a better back catalogue if this is your first console
  • edited February 2011
    Console wars
    Wii-Great console. Weakest in graphics, but still can pull off some great looking games(see Super Mario Galaxy, and Twilight Princess) This console uses the wii remote for motion controls, which 3rd party games use to make minigames solely based on shaking it like an idiot. The awesome games are usually from nintendo's first party games. This console is great for kids.

    360-IS NOT SHOCKPROOF!!!! That is the true key issue. I have actually had my wii fall off a 3 ft table during a very competative smash bros game and nothing happened at all. The 360 on the other hand, I could just move the thing a cm. and it would flat out destroy the game inside. This console is also what ruined Rareware. This console is more for the people who have both "hardcore" and "casual" gamers with games like the Kinect and CoD on the console.

    PS3. Im sorry I do not have this console. I am thinking of getting this though.

    DS series. Has 2 screens one that is a touch screen. Isnt that good on graphics but has been able to pull off great looking games before(Kh recoded the cutscenes where they talked) If this is your first DS then just hold off, the 3ds is probably a better choice
    PSP-Once again, Id wait for the new PSP, if it can backtrack games.
  • edited February 2011
    PS3s used to be able to install linux, which means you could code them to play scummvm...and all the games that ran on scummvm. You could also code them to run dos box, and different programs...

    But their recent updates did away with these awesome features. I own two Ps3s can find them on pretty cheap.

    I'd suggest a backwards compatible model off ebay, old thick. Thick has more control , certainly used to, and if you get a backwards compatible most games from ps one and two will play on the ps3...but certain games don't work well on the system.
  • edited February 2011
    I'm still extremely happy with my PS3. When I was at the point to pick either the Xbox360 or the PS3, it was first an foremost its Blu-ray drive that convinced me the most. But by now I'm also glad I picked it because of the games... the "Uncharted" series alone was worth getting the PS3, and most of the other important titles (like "Red Dead Redemption" or "Batman: Arkham Asylum") are multi-platform anyway... sometimes looking better on the Xbox, sometimes on the PS3... but not to a degree that I regret not getting the Xbox... although I could just go out and get one to use alongside my PS3, I don't really have a reason to.

    Also: I don't need Linux on the PS3. Didn't use it when it was still possible, and still don't feel the need to use it now. If I want to play a Scumm-adventure on the TV or projector, I simply hook up my netbook and play away. But most PC-titles play perfectly fine on my desktop PC.
  • edited February 2011
    I have all the next gen systems. I play my Wii more than anything else, but after that it's the PS3 and then the 360. I only have three games for the 360 actually. Uncharted is one of my favorite series of games, always so fun. I'm not enough of a videophile to care much about the graphic differences between 360 and PS3 but when it comes to buying a game that's multiplatform I usually go PS3.
  • edited February 2011
    I'm still extremely happy with my PS3. When I was at the point to pick either the Xbox360 or the PS3, it was first an foremost its Blu-ray drive that convinced me the most. But by now I'm also glad I picked it because of the games... the "Uncharted" series alone was worth getting the PS3, and most of the other important titles (like "Red Dead Redemption" or "Batman: Arkham Asylum") are multi-platform anyway... sometimes looking better on the Xbox, sometimes on the PS3... but not to a degree that I regret not getting the Xbox... although I could just go out and get one to use alongside my PS3, I don't really have a reason to.

    Also: I don't need Linux on the PS3. Didn't use it when it was still possible, and still don't feel the need to use it now. If I want to play a Scumm-adventure on the TV or projector, I simply hook up my netbook and play away. But most PC-titles play perfectly fine on my desktop PC.

    Same here. I bought a PS3 1.5 years ago, and at the time I knew that if it was just for games I would have wanted a 360. Blu-Ray was the only reason I took PS3 instead. But now I think that PS3 is pretty clearly way ahead, and would recommend it to anyone ahead of 360 (unless you cannot go without Halo). The only things I might need a 360 for some day are Banjo-Kazooie, Mass Effect 1 (I'll play this on the PC if I have to but I prefer consoles), Deadly Premonition (not on PS3 in the U.S.)...not sure if anything else.

    On the other hand, PS3 has Little Big Planet, Heavy Rain, Uncharted, Infamous (which is incredible), Ratchet & Clank, Telltale, etc.
  • edited February 2011
    Yes the PS3 also has a blueray player, that is a GREAT feature.

    Plus there is Little Big Planet 2. Which looks like a decent games.
  • edited February 2011
    Hmm, PS3 DOES have some god excuses - it's almost worth buying just so you can play God of War 3! (IMO anyway :P). But I have both a 360 and a PS3, the 360 has lasted me donkey's years now and I've gotten through two ps3s in one year, and I'm not even entirely sure why they keep breaking - it's not that I've dropped it or anything, they just stop working :S Also just a little thing, but I've always preferred xbx controllers, dunno if that bothers many other people though :)

    So personally I've a 360 person, but ps3's are good too - and have pretty much every other game, like people have said there aren't many 360-exclusive games :)
  • edited February 2011
    Also: I don't need Linux on the PS3. Didn't use it when it was still possible, and still don't feel the need to use it now. If I want to play a Scumm-adventure on the TV or projector, I simply hook up my netbook and play away. But most PC-titles play perfectly fine on my desktop PC.

    Yes, but the PS3 is like a computer. You used to be able to use it more like one. Now it's just a regular console again. I recommend a old fat model, don't listen to haters, you don't need that much space on your system and they don't run loud like som epople claim that they do.
  • edited February 2011
    doodo! wrote: »
    Yes, but the PS3 is like a computer. You used to be able to use it more like one. Now it's just a regular console again. I recommend a old fat model, don't listen to haters, you don't need that much space on your system and they don't run loud like som epople claim that they do.

    But I don't really buy a console to do "computer stuff"... that's what you usually have a desktop computer for.
  • edited February 2011
    I think I need a new one... I have had it a long time and its been ON almost the entire time... someone is usually in the house either playing games or watching movies on it... and now it sounds like a fan in it is going bad... I suppose I COULD attempt to pry it open and replace it myself but this gives me an excuse to buy one with more memory.
  • edited February 2011
    The PS3 is technically the superior choice these days.

    But I do prefer the 360 for its Xbox Live Arcade.
    (Plus 360 games generally tend to be cheaper and easier to get a hold off in my experience)

    (Then again, I have both consoles, so in the end it doesn't matter to me at all! XD)
  • edited February 2011
    I have been thinking lately about getting a 360... my ps3 and wii need a brother.
    Plus I hate not being able to play some of the 360 exclusives.
  • edited February 2011
    personally i HATE 360... it's what has ruined gaming... it used to be about actual gameplay, story, and fun... now it's about the color brown, shooting your friends, and online multiplayer... also having to PAY to play online... yeah right...

    the PS3 is soooooooo much better... free online, great games, the exclusives are actually games instead of these horrible shooty-brown things... better graphics, pretty much everything eventually gets ported over to the ps3 at some point... oh and not to mention the blueray player ^_^

    btw, on a side note, I just finished dragon age origins on the ps3... if you guys havn't played it yet you HAVE to, it is simply the most amazing RPG tolkinian style RPG i've played in years ^_^
  • edited February 2011
    personally i HATE 360... it's what has ruined gaming... it used to be about actual gameplay, story, and fun... now it's about the color brown, shooting your friends, and online multiplayer... also having to PAY to play online... yeah right...

    the PS3 is soooooooo much better... free online, great games, the exclusives are actually games instead of these horrible shooty-brown things... better graphics, pretty much everything eventually gets ported over to the ps3 at some point... oh and not to mention the blueray player ^_^

    btw, on a side note, I just finished dragon age origins on the ps3... if you guys havn't played it yet you HAVE to, it is simply the most amazing RPG tolkinian style RPG i've played in years ^_^

    I have a 360 and agree with you there in every way, but there are some good features for the 360 like... Banjo Kazooie.

    It also has a great feature that breaks any game inside it if it is moved an inch, and Microsoft has a great system with that by not telling you this until it is too late, and the only solution is to buy another copy of the game.
  • edited February 2011
    Had a PS3 for Christmas, enjoying it very much. It came with the Move controller which I didn't think I'd get much use out of but it works wonders with Resident Evil 5. I find it difficult to aim with analogue sticks, so it's the perfect control option... second only to mouse and keys.

    Trying to get games that are either unavailable for PC (Sonic 4, Little Big Planet, NHL 11) or run terribly on my computer (Grand Theft Auto 4).
  • edited February 2011
    Irishmile wrote: »
    I think I need a new one... I have had it a long time and its been ON almost the entire time... someone is usually in the house either playing games or watching movies on it... and now it sounds like a fan in it is going bad... I suppose I COULD attempt to pry it open and replace it myself but this gives me an excuse to buy one with more memory.
    Try calling support. My father had a PS3 out of warranty that broke down, and he was able to get it replaced with a slim model with a larger hard drive for $99. Also, if storage is your main concern, are you aware that the PS3 actually uses a standard laptop hard drive that is user-replaceable?
  • edited February 2011
    Plus the PS3's pretty damn unserviceable for Joe Suds. Everything in that soonnabitch is proprietary (outside of the hard drive) so there's not a whole pile ye can do without ordering up special parts that cost an arm and a leg
  • edited February 2011
    Yeah, I'm going through something similar with my cousin's old 360 (except instead of a noisy fan, I'm trying to fix a brick). As much fun as it's been opening it up, I sort of wish he'd given it to me with the warranty sticker intact. Since the sticker's already broken, I'm going to try soldering the part I need to fix, and if that doesn't work I'll send it in, but I wouldn't bother tinkering with it if it hadn't already been opened.

    So yeah, I'd definitely recommend sending it in instead of opening it.

    Now if it was a Wii... The disc drive on my Wii had gotten unbearably noisy, so I carefully opened it to see if I could tell where it was coming from. It was already out of warranty anwyay, but it turns out the Wii doesn't have a warranty sticker. I closed it back up with absolutely no visible difference from when I had started and sent it in to be fixed. Of course, that was before I put homebrew on it...
  • edited February 2011
    UK people... How long does it usually take for demos on the disc with the official mag take to hit the store? I notice this month's has Mass Effect 2 (which is only otherwise available to Playstation Plus subscribers) and Lego Star Wars 3, which isn't on there at all. Also, do some demos never make it to the store?
  • edited February 2011
    PS3 is better then 3ds that will...
  • edited February 2011
    I love My PS3

    Right now I'm playing Broken Sword 3, but haven't put much time into gaming lately. Trying to code web sites when I'm not distracted.
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