Time train?

edited February 2011 in Back to the Future

Obvisley we know doc went to 2025 in the time train, and straight after went to 1931 in the duplicated delorean. So my question is what the hell happend with the time train, did doc just leave it there and went off!!!!??


  • edited February 2011
    Don't think it said exactly he went to 1931 straight from 2025 I got the impression it was months later.

    But either way, my guess would be Clara or one of the boys was with him to take the train back, or he "towed" the Delorean back with him to when ever, parked the train and then went to 1931. Or possibly the automatic retrieval, Doc said/acted like he never tested it or forgot about it (for the delorean) but perhaps implemented it into the train and actually got around to testing/using it.

  • I'm assuming that's how doc got to 2025 was using the time train. The car is far more economical, the train needs tracks unless it is flying which is not very practical. Imagine what people would think seeing a train flying around in the 19th century?
  • edited February 2011
    I'm assuming that's how doc got to 2025 was using the time train. The car is far more economical, the train needs tracks unless it is flying which is not very practical. Imagine what people would think seeing a train flying around in the 19th century?

    Or a DeLorean? ;) In all seriousness, most of Doc's flying pre-2015 was mostly at night where it'd be less likely to be seen. Probably the same with the train, but a small car is easier to hide, say, in a bunch of bushes than a huge train.

    And it was never said that Doc went straight to 1931 with the DeLorean. In fact: "[That DeLorean] is, for all intents and purposes, the exact same machine. With a few minor bells and whistles added over the years, of course."
  • edited February 2011
    oh and yea, and time travel, if he travels back 1 sec after he "leaves" he actually never left the train by itself, or did he?. *brain asplodes*
  • edited February 2011
    This is what happens when you assay to make sense out of nonsense. We all know the flying Delorean was intended as a joke but was then entertained as reality. This is the very reason the time train isn't in the game. It's a joke reference to a joke; an indication that there won't be a continuation of BTTF because it's just too risible, impractical and, ultimately, a step too far.
  • Or a DeLorean? ;) In all seriousness, most of Doc's flying pre-2015 was mostly at night where it'd be less likely to be seen. Probably the same with the train, but a small car is easier to hide, say, in a bunch of bushes than a huge train.

    And it was never said that Doc went straight to 1931 with the DeLorean. In fact: "[That DeLorean] is, for all intents and purposes, the exact same machine. With a few minor bells and whistles added over the years, of course."

    Remember in part 2 when marty is locked in biffs garage? Doc rides a bike there because he does not want to have the delorean seen in live daylight. The delorean is never taken out by doc in live daylight prior to 1985 and only flyes in iive daylight outside of 2015 in the 1985 to 2015 part.

    Not sure how he finds out that griff steals the delorean in 2025 (maybe he sees him) but the time train would not have been out of place in the future.
    This is what happens when you assay to make sense out of nonsense. We all know the flying Delorean was intended as a joke but was then entertained as reality. This is the very reason the time train isn't in the game. It's a joke reference to a joke; an indication that there won't be a continuation of BTTF because it's just too risible, impractical and, ultimately, a step too far.

    But joke or not, the time train happened and is now part of the bttf plot. Plus doc does need a way to get to 2025 to recover the delorean.

    4 episodes left; we'll either get a reference to the train if not see it.
  • edited February 2011
    but the time train would not have been out of place in the future.

    But joke or not, the time train happened and is now part of the bttf plot. Plus doc does need a way to get to 2025 to recover the delorean.

    4 episodes left; we'll either get a reference to the train if not see it.

    Your very right there, I have this empire magazine specially made for the 25 anniversery of bttf and says that doc 'Pimps' the time train in 2015, so obvilsey no one found it strange there was a flying train.
  • yoman45135 wrote: »
    Your very right there, I have this empire magazine specially made for the 25 anniversery of bttf and says that doc 'Pimps' the time train in 2015, so obvilsey no one found it strange there was a flying train.

    Although we dont see it, i'd imagine that with flying cars, there are also flying trains.
  • edited February 2011
    Although we dont see it, i'd imagine that with flying cars, there are also flying trains.

    If you have bttf on blu-ray it shows earlier designs of 2015 hill valley which includes a mono-rail train system so im not sure but your problery right :D :D
  • edited February 2011
    Seriously, even if a flying steam train is pretty out of the ordinary in BTTF 2015, someone would build one for fun I'm sure. Just like people still rebuild classic cars today. So, while a flying train probably isn't a common thing, people would assume that someone using one was just a hobbyist.
  • edited February 2011
    AnnaDei wrote: »
    Seriously, even if a flying steam train is pretty out of the ordinary in BTTF 2015, someone would build one for fun I'm sure. Just like people still rebuild classic cars today. So, while a flying train probably isn't a common thing, people would assume that someone using one was just a hobbyist.

    Or a crazy ol' coot, which Doc is used to being viewed that way.
  • edited February 2011
    AnnaDei wrote: »
    Seriously, even if a flying steam train is pretty out of the ordinary in BTTF 2015, someone would build one for fun I'm sure. Just like people still rebuild classic cars today. So, while a flying train probably isn't a common thing, people would assume that someone using one was just a hobbyist.

    I suppose it would be a weird hobby lol :D :rolleyes:
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