Seamus or Buford?

It does seem that an awful lot of this series will be spent in 1931. While I was kind of depressed that we wont see more time eras in the first 4 episodes, trutfully if we had to stick to one era, it's not a bad choice. One of the cool aspects of the first 2 BTTF films is that we got to see how characters fleshed out their lives between 1955, 1985, and 2015 including seeing characters we saw as teenagers in part I live into their late 70s in part II.

But there is essentially a 70 year gap in the timelines of the McFly's and tannens between 1885 and 1955 that we know very little about including 2 missing generations each (and I am counting william since we only saw him as a baby). I did think the way Edna was portrayed was neat; crazy old busy body with nothing to do in the present but articulate, energetic, and noble in the past (also explaining her future tendencies, she volunteered her time to make hill valley a better place so probably didnt like others ruining it).

Since Doc and Mr. Strickland are likely the only 2 characters from the first 2 films to be alive in 1931, I wonder if we'll get to see some of the characters from part III a half century later? Seamus and Buford would be old men and the grandfathers of Arthur and Kid respectively.


  • edited February 2011
    I could see Seamus, but I get the sense that Mad Dog died before 1931. Seems like his reputation would have eventually gotten him killed... or hanged.
  • bakntime wrote: »
    I could see Seamus, but I get the sense that Mad Dog died before 1931. Seems like his reputation would have eventually gotten him killed... or hanged.

    Well the only think we find out about Buford in part II is that there is a piece on him in the biff museum. Not sure if marty's intervention changed this but at least in that timeline, i dont think they'd have included a piece on him if anything bad happened to him. It did seems to spin biff as a folk hero despite this being the worst version of him of the 5 that we see (1955, 2015, and 3 different 1985 versions)
  • edited February 2011
    Well the only think we find out about Buford in part II is that there is a piece on him in the biff museum. Not sure if marty's intervention changed this but at least in that timeline, i dont think they'd have included a piece on him if anything bad happened to him. It did seems to spin biff as a folk hero despite this being the worst version of him of the 5 that we see (1955, 2015, and 3 different 1985 versions)

    To the contrary, if Buford had been hanged Biff would probably be more likely to specifically point him out and gloss over the more negative aspects of Buford's life in the "Tannen history" thing. Given that this was before Kid was thought up, I think it was implying that the most influential Tannen in Hill Valley before Biff was Buford (ignoring that he was mentioned for foreshadowing reasons only). People love pirates even though they were outlaws, why shouldn't they like cowboy outlaws too? xD

    As for seeing Buford or Seamus in the game, I don't think we will. I don't know the average life span of Americans in those time periods, but I think Seamus and Maggie would both be past it in 1931. ^^
  • edited February 2011
    Ok, slightly off topic... Why doesn't Marty have any love for Uncle Joey? That poor guy is still rotting away in jail.
  • zounds! wrote: »
    Ok, slightly off topic... Why doesn't Marty have any love for Uncle Joey? That poor guy is still rotting away in jail.

    What makes you say that?

    Theres a funny deleted scene in part II showing Joey still getting denied parole in 2015.
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