How many GFS/ BFS have you had?
If you're gay/ bisexual, etc etc, you can feel free to share that if you want to.I'm going to set up a poll, not with age options. Because any one here who wants you to know their age can share it here, or already has it in their profile and making a poll like that would be a nightmare for me...If the site allows it, the voting will be public though.
I'm curious how many BFS and GFS you all had, how old you are.
If you want to add what you consider a BF/ GF that might actually be helpful as some of you might consider a BF/ GF a friend with benefits where as others may have a more traditional presence of the word.
Traditionally it's supposed to be black and white, but people I'm sure can give me a more organic and lively answer. It's a pretty big aspect of most people's lives...I've known a few people to have "open" this and that...and they aren't necessarily what I'd call traditional from certain angles, but from other angles they may fit a more traditional guideline of what social norms single out as traditional relationships.
Again, most people we see, we don't know their personal, sexual lives, etc etc. So it's all perspective.
Virtual relationships would be internet only, video games only dating, no real life interaction.
In case you're as big as a rocket genius as me, to view poll results just click the number of votes in a poll.
I'm curious how many BFS and GFS you all had, how old you are.
If you want to add what you consider a BF/ GF that might actually be helpful as some of you might consider a BF/ GF a friend with benefits where as others may have a more traditional presence of the word.
Traditionally it's supposed to be black and white, but people I'm sure can give me a more organic and lively answer. It's a pretty big aspect of most people's lives...I've known a few people to have "open" this and that...and they aren't necessarily what I'd call traditional from certain angles, but from other angles they may fit a more traditional guideline of what social norms single out as traditional relationships.
Again, most people we see, we don't know their personal, sexual lives, etc etc. So it's all perspective.
Virtual relationships would be internet only, video games only dating, no real life interaction.
In case you're as big as a rocket genius as me, to view poll results just click the number of votes in a poll.
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Another hint would be to do
and so on, to save the endless poll options
Yeah bout 1-3, I don't like that. People would vote that, and 1 is significant to me over 2 or 3. They'd vote and then they'd leave and I wouldn't get any real answers...
I broke it up the way I felt best. 10-19 is a large margin. I don't like doing it that way.
Relationships are not my main priority.
Sexual urges and other forms of attraction can easily be repressed, and eventually dissolved over time.
Not that I wouldn't want to be in a relationship of course. I just haven't found a suitable women that reciprocates my feelings.
Some people would think it odd that a 20 year old man has never had any sort of relationship with a women, but I'd argue that its foolhardy for most people to try to rush into things like these, as they can easily backfire.
Pesonal example: My best friend had a long-term girlfriend back in secondary school.
It was fine for a while, but the lass turned out to be pretty psycho (and I don't think the two year age gap (he was 2 years older) came into it all that much (as shes still psycho, but I got rid off her by humiliating her on facebook once).
She really tormented the poor boy: she blocked him off from his freinds, pestered him, accused him of cheating, threatened him, tried to turn her freinds against him.
I knew early on she was trouble but I stood back, (I knew my best friend wouldn't listen to me anyway...
If you know what I mean
None since then.
Then during my early 20s I was not the model husband, call it marrying too young or me just being a complete asshole... I lean towards the latter.
Then my wife and I were briefly separated (see above)... during that time I had a few girlfriends... One of which was completely insane and made me realize how lucky I was... the wife and I reconciled and have been pretty happy since.
I hope that information does not tarnish my reputation here... I do not suggest that lifestyle... I have hinted at my crazy 20s before that was just a little part of it.
I didn't expect it of you, maybe that's because I feel like I know you a little better now. I hadn't expected you've done such things, but I can not judge you.
That's not the Irishmile I know.
How many of you stay friends with any of your exes? I'm still very close to a lot of the people I've been with, but when I mention that, I tend to get strange looks as if it's impossible to do such a thing without major complications and drama. One of my closest friends is a woman I've been with off and on for almost a decade (in fact, she was my first girlfriend), and there's rarely any sort of tension or jealousy. When there is, it's minor, and quelled in no time.
...The last time I was single was when I was 14. Weird.
I'm still friendly with a few of my exes. For a while everyone's all bitter and blah blah blah, but then you move on. I'm not best buddies with any of them like, but we're on good terms.
I've been single for a hell of a long time though, I ain't got no mojo of late I guess. That and my horrible personality
Ah well. There is another ex that I'm on good terms with, and that is more of a both of us realizing that the whole thing was pretty much a bad idea that all the same was fun while it lasted.
Some of that is social requirement though. Not that I don't enjoy the person I go out with, but sometimes there's just social pressures. Appearances sake and what not.
Coming from somebody on the opposite end of the same situation (after the "let's be friends" talk, I disappeared save for a couple of check-ins), I cut contact mainly because it was just too hard to see her move on. I had never had such a tough time with a breakup before or since, and I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable or guilty.
Maybe your ex is doing a similar thing?
one wife
and 40 cans of chicken soup.
Since then I haven't really thought about dating. Quite honestly, with the way my academics tend to eat up my time, I doubt I could maintain any healthy kind of relationship outside of friendship to be honest. And, I kind of...I don't know I've always had a hard time connecting to people emotionally (I think it has something to do with my minor OCD), so something like dating is struggle for me. Maybe that'll change at some point in the future, but as it stands right now, I'm single and I'm really okay with that.
Now I am in a good relationship lasted for over 4 years and still going strong.
Riiight. That's a poor factor IMO. Then again I only joke about stereotypes, but I don't tend to factor them into actual reasoning because real life tends to be so much more complex than such basic labels.
Geek chic is sexy anyway.
You picked the best pick of the pics you could have picked.
Speak for yourself. I seem to be living the stereotype with no escape in sight.
You wouldn't understand. I am 23 years old never had a single girlfriend. 1-5 is a weighy ratio to some one like me. It's about equal 1-5, 5 people have 1, 5 people have had 2, 5 people have had 3, etc.
The results are pretty random to me, they don't really say much.
1 girl friend as opposed to 5 is a very big difference. I don't know if small/ large is relevant here. Everyone is different, some people are very social and could have 5 relationships where as a introvert could only have one.
The results are pointless to me unless I had 90 percent 1, 80 percent 2, something more like those...
5 girlfriends, geek or not is pretty damn signficant to me, maybe not to you. I can't see it any other way unless I purposebly fit myself into your own shoes.
edit: fair enough, george
I'm so sorry to be a grammar Nazi, but I'm fairly sure it is: "you don't know how statistics work, do you?"
I've no idea why there was a need for this post
Off topic. Just because there is a poll that doesn't mean that it becomes self evident that we're looking at the poll academically. To be sincere, I don't give a shit how statistics apparently should be/ must be read. You have every right to prat how on about how you want to read them. I read this as a personal thread, not some sort of scientific, academic sociological thread ran by the goverment or something. So I don't care about your scientifical, mathamatical perspective taught to you in a logic/ statistics course, or wherever else it was that you pride yourself of such acadmeic knowledge to read a poll on a web forum on a gaming site, made by a graphic design artist student properly...
Aha, another pretentious prick. I was taught in middle school...blah, blah...
I had it figured out in your first post. You don't even understand, most people here will think I'm being difficult, but you radiate with precisely the right words to be a judgemental, argumentive person subtly, without acting out too much...
But anyways, this sort of stuff is important to learn if you wanna be able to decipher how the world works. Nothing pretentious about it, I was merely suggesting you learn a bit about statistics. Statistics can be fun when you know how it works.