Episode 4: Made it all worthwhile!

edited March 2007 in Sam & Max
TellTale, thanks so much for Episode 4 of Sam & Max! Quite frankly, it made the entire season worthwhile. If we'd never got to play Episode 4, I think we all would have missed out on something incredibly special and important in the Sam & Max canon.

It scares me to think that if LucasArts had got their evil way, we would never have seen ANY sequel to Sam & Max whatsoever. To think we would have lost out on anything close to the quality of "Abe Lincoln Must Die!" makes me feel that it wasn't just Sam & Max fans that were robbed on that fateful day, but the entire medium of gaming as a whole.

Thanks for re-setting that balance and giving the gaming world what it sorely needed: High quality, intelligent, inspired, imaginative gaming.

Thanks for reminding me exactly why Sam & Max rocked so much in the first place.

TellTale, I love you!


  • edited March 2007
    You said it Johnny.

    Thank you Telltalegames!

    Sam And Max is SO America!

    //Love from Sweden. :D :D :D :D
  • edited March 2007
    Silence! I Concur.
  • edited March 2007
    Can't do anything more than fully agree:D
  • edited March 2007
    Me too. It was the best game I have played since Grim Fandango. Excellent Job!
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    TellTale, thanks so much for Episode 4 of Sam & Max! Quite frankly, it made the entire season worthwhile.

    Thanks! That means we can take your money and run now, right?

    Wait, no? Bah. *goes back to work*
  • edited March 2007
  • edited March 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    Thanks! That means we can take your money and run now, right?

    Wait, no? Bah. *goes back to work*

    If you hand me out the TellTaleTool and the Sourcecode... Yes :D
  • edited March 2007
    I wanna add my voice to this - I loved Episodes 1-3, but Abe Lincoln Must Die! blew them right out of the park. Max's "adorable" face, discussing the feeling "that someone was watching their every move", the way Max walks into the War Room (hell, Max in general this episode), and of course...

    ... opening the War Room. Whoever thought of that deserves a medal. Not just my favourite moment in the Season so far, but already one of my all time great Gaming Memories. Wonderful in every way!
  • edited March 2007
    Agreed with the above. Previous episodes were fun (well, 3 was way too short and 1 was too tame) -- 4 is just great. I really can't use many more words than this. Great, great, great, leaving me wanting for more.
    Did I mention it was a great episode?

    Oh, on a sidenote: Lucasarts is rereleasing S&M:HTR finally :)
    At least, so sayeth the Amazon
  • edited March 2007
    Max's "adorable" face, discussing the feeling "that someone was watching their every move", the way Max walks into the War Room
    Yep, it's those little things that make a good game great. Telltale really made the most of this episode!
  • edited March 2007
    Jordik wrote: »
    Oh, on a sidenote: Lucasarts is rereleasing S&M:HTR finally :)
    At least, so sayeth the Amazon

    It's been out (along with The Dig, Full Throttle and Grim Fandango + a couple of older Star Wars titles) in the UK since December last year. A few weeks back the re-releases also came out in Australia and New Zealand. It seems to be the territories where Activision is the LucasArts distribution partner (ie. not North America).

    There's a thread about it here.
  • edited March 2007
    Unfortunately, it doesn't look like Activision Nordic(PanVision) is going to release it... at least I can't find it on their webpage yet.
  • edited March 2007
    Can you find it on Activision Australia or UK though? I don't think they bother too much with budget rereleases on their websites.
  • edited March 2007
    Pfff! LucasArts sees how well Telltale is doing and now they're all for rereleasing the original game. Bet they feel even stupider for canceling the sequel now that Season 1 is doing so great.
  • edited March 2007
    jp-30 wrote: »
    Can you find it on Activision Australia or UK though? I don't think they bother too much with budget rereleases on their websites.
    Would you need to? Most JB Hi-Fis and non-EB shops stock the Lucasarts classics range.

    Back on topic, Episode 4 was definitely the funniest game I've played in many years (and I've played a hell of a lot of games). Keep up the amazing work TTG!
  • edited March 2007
    Glad to hear I wasn't the only one who felt the same!

    Thanks again, TellTale!
  • edited March 2007
    Jordik wrote: »
    Oh, on a sidenote: Lucasarts is rereleasing S&M:HTR finally :)
    At least, so sayeth the Amazon

    Never trust Amazon, I've seen at least 20 items for sale there that were cancelled before they were even made... (Neverhood 2000, for instance... they still have that for sale, and it doesn't even exist!)

    On-topic: Ep. 4 is pure joy! The choir music as Whizzer gets back on the soda habit, the much-touted War Song, Bosco's Tommy Tutone reference... pure gold.
  • edited March 2007
    ShaggE wrote: »
    Never trust Amazon, I've seen at least 20 items for sale there that were cancelled before they were even made... (Neverhood 2000, for instance... they still have that for sale, and it doesn't even exist!)

    Pre-order NOW!


    We will e-mail you when this item becomes available.

    Yes, but when this game is released, I think we will be using a far more advanced communication technology than simple email...
  • edited March 2007
    Hell, by the time DNF is available, Amazon will have switched to the then-common telepathy mail...

    Do they have quantum PCs listed yet? Perhaps a shiny new Playstation 7, or the Xbox 1080?
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