Biff's Voice - Terrible - Takes Me Out Of Game



  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited March 2011
    Lorraine's voice sound just plain bad.
    Lorraine sounded good in episode one. I liked the delivery of the "you're safe and sound now in good old 1986" line, and the rest of the speech about being late for the auction of Doc's garage was good too.

    I agree though that she sounds nothing like Lorraine in episode two, and it did bother me a bit (but she only had a few lines and the voice wasn't irritating (just off as an imitation), so it didn't bother me too much). It was probably a case of not being able to do a convincing frightened Lorraine voice, so hopefully Lorraine will sound better in future episodes.
  • edited March 2011
    I agree with Jennifer. I didn't mind the voice acting in the first episode but when she spoke her lines in the second, it just seemed like a bad impression. Although something as small as Lorraine's voice, doesn't really take away from my general impression of the game.
  • edited March 2011
    Carlos85G wrote: »
    Tom Wilson doesn't want to associate himself with anything to do with BTTF anymore

    Wilson does talk about BTTF a lot in his comedy act though. He even has a song.
  • edited March 2011
    bttf1985cc wrote: »
    Yeah the voices are ok,you can tell that Doc sounds older, marty sounds a lil high piched, biff sounds ok maybe a lil 2 nice in his voice haha. george and lorraine sounds cool! overall they work good!

    I gotta agree. I didn't think Biff was that bad at all.

    Besides, sometimes the original actor can do a bad job, like Bill Murray in the Ghostbusters video game.
  • edited March 2011
    Spengler56 wrote: »
    Wilson does talk about BTTF a lot in his comedy act though. He even has a song.
    I find that ironic though, he doesn't want to be type-casted but hes the one going on about BTTF stuff.
    Although I do like the guy a lot.
  • edited March 2011
    I liked Tom Wilson in the Wing Commander games. It was corny but whatever.
  • edited March 2011
    Who was he in Wing Commander? Maniac?
  • edited March 2011
    yep in both 3 and 4
  • edited March 2011
    There is absolutely no reason we couldn't get the real Biff to do the voice acting considering he DID do an actual "continuation" beyond Back to the Future 3 for "Back to the Future - The Ride." - now, SADLY closed in Florida Universal Studios :( :(
  • edited March 2011
    JGennaro wrote: »
    There is absolutely no reason we couldn't get the real Biff to do the voice acting considering he DID do an actual "continuation" beyond Back to the Future 3 for "Back to the Future - The Ride." - now, SADLY closed in Florida Universal Studios :( :(

    It's possible doing something for The Ride was a contractual obligation with Universal that came along with the deal he signed when he signed on for the 2 sequels. Probably also included him doing the cartoon as well.

    Whatever that contract entailed at the time has long since passed. There definitely wouldn't have been any mention of doing voice work for video games when you consider timing and the limitations of video games at the time.

    If he didn't want to do this game, there was nothing forcing him to do it. Simple as that. It sucks, but it's true. Obviously we don't know what happened behind closed doors, so who knows why Tom Wilson didn't voice Biff for the game. Maybe he flat out said no, maybe his price was too high, maybe Telltale simply didn't want to hassle with him if he was only begrudgingly willing to do it, or maybe they just didn't even contact him because of his previous unwillingness to connect himself with BttF. Who knows.

    I won't go as far as to say the Biff voice ruins anything for me or really takes me out of the game, but I do agree that it's a bit sub-par compared to the other voices. Like others have side, it works fine for Kid Tannen as you wouldn't expect him to have the exact same voice, but not so much for Biff himself.

    I was really anti-Biff's voice when I first heard it, but softened my stance some when I heard wimpy-Biff's voice from the movie directly compared to the game. It's not as far off as I had originally thought. The problem with it as I see it is that the voice actor can't do the transition from wimpy-Biff to intimidating-Biff like Thomas could. He's constantly stuck on wimpy-Biff, so it makes him less of a threat in the times when he's supposed to be that way.

    As for George, the was NNNNNNOOOOOOO way Crispin Glover was coming back for this. Anyone who knows that backstory knows he was never even a remote option. I kind of have the same problem with the voice actor for George that I do for Biff. The guy does a solid wimpy-George, but not so much with confident-George. It's not as far off as Biff is though, so this doesn't bother me much.

    Back to Biff, it's really too bad they couldn't have gotten Wilson to come back for this, but it is what it is.
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