BTTF Ep 2 Glitches (possible spoilers)

edited February 2011 in Game Support
On our first playthrough, I noticed a couple of things that I don't think were how they were meant to be:
  • In the opening puzzle, after some moving back and forth, Marty appeared to be moving into Officer Parker's field of vision, but wasn't seen. Shortly afterward, Parker would claim to hear something and he and Doc would move to the next corner of the car. The more we moved around, the more pronounced it became.
  • When clicking on the control console whilst Young Doc is meant to be on the roof, he appears in the gazeebo to tell you off.
  • Clicking on what highlights as "Lift" in the speakeasy takes you up the stairs with no discernable difference from clicking on the stairs.

Other than that, it was sweet!
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