Sites backup... maybe the launcher will work now..

edited February 2011 in Back to the Future
Oh yay it does - I can finally start the game.

Anyone else find they couldn't get the launcher to show while the site was down for a while just now?

Does the launcher have to depend on the website database?

[Surely the launcher should fallback on local assets if the pretty page doesn't load (and a second SQL instance for fallback auth would be nice plz k tnx :)]


  • edited February 2011
    Ender2 wrote: »
    Oh yay it does - I can finally start the game.

    Anyone else find they couldn't get the launcher to show while the site was down for a while just now?

    Does the launcher have to depend on the website database?

    [Surely the launcher should fallback on local assets if the pretty page doesn't load (and a second SQL instance for fallback auth would be nice plz k tnx :)]

    Agreed. A game that does not rely on an internet connection to play and is installed locally to the machine should not have problems starting because the game company's website is down. The launcher is a good way to connect to the site for updates/news/downloads, but you should still be able to play whatever version of the game you have installed without it having to connect to the site.

    Anywho, can't wait to play episode 2! Hopefully I'll have some time tonight.
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