Episode 2: Camera angles supposed to be zoomed/Weird?

edited February 2011 in Back to the Future
All the camera angles are all zoomed in and while some areas are OK, for the most part it just looks awkward. I thought maybe this was intentional, but then I noticed things like characters faces only appearing halfway on the screen. It's kind of annoying, and switching around areas gets disorienting.



  • edited February 2011
    Erm... this may sound stupid, but have you tried playing around with the resolution? Both the game's resolution AND your PC's resolution.
    Maybe you have two desktops activated by mistake...who knows?
  • edited February 2011
    I've had the same happen with the Theather (facing at the Frankenstein sign, so I pretty much was stuck) and thrice in the Alley to the Speakeasy.

    So it seems a pretty random occuring glitch of weird camera angles... :(
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