Episode 1 PS3 Trophys

edited February 2011 in Back to the Future
Does anyone know how to get the A PLAUSIBLE EXPLANATION trophy?? its the only one left for me...

here its the other ones:

A Bicycle Built for Two
Rescued Doc from Kid Tannen

Back in Time
Traveled back in time to rescue Doc

Grandpa Got Served
Delivered the subpoeana to Arthur McFly

Acquired Emmett's Rocket Drill

Junior Bootlegger Badge
Managed to get 190-proof alcohol delivered to Emmett's

A Plausible Explanation
Discovered the origin of the 'new' DeLorean

Deja Marty
Perfectly repeated dialog while repeating Doc's temporal experiment

Doc's Legacy
Got Doc's Notebook back from Biff

Fate in flux
Heard about the curious fate of Marshall Strickland

Flawlessly mixed up a batch of Emmett's Rocket Fuel

Hello, Young Friend
Talked Emmett into completing the Rocket Drill

Hi Bob!
Namechecked BTTF Creators


  • Heard about the curious fate of Marshall Strickland

    I dont remember this from the game. I was actually posting on a previous thread wondering if we will see any characters from 1885 seen/referenced in 1931
  • edited February 2011
    Talk to Doc in jail and ask him about the DeLorean. Simple as that.
    I dont remember this from the game. I was actually posting on a previous thread wondering if we will see any characters from 1885 seen/referenced in 1931

    There's a picture of the Marshall in old Edna's apartment. Clicking on it references a deleted scene from BTTF3.
  • edited February 2011
    Does anyone know how to get the A PLAUSIBLE EXPLANATION trophy?? its the only one left for me...

    EDIT: oh, i didnt see it... THANKS !!
  • edited February 2011
    I don't know how to get Deja Marty. Can someone tell me?
  • Rimz891 wrote: »
    I don't know how to get Deja Marty. Can someone tell me?

    It's when you're conducting doc's experiment in the lab. You have to do it perfectly the first time around to get the trophy.
  • edited February 2011
    Rimz891 wrote: »
    I don't know how to get Deja Marty. Can someone tell me?

    Its during the dream scene, recreating the mall parking lot scene from the first movie. Just follow the dialogue from the movie exactly.
  • edited February 2011
    Thanks Trekkie. A trekkie or trekker always seems to help me with games that involve the space-time continuum. haha.
  • edited February 2011
    It's funny because I did that whilst playing the demo without knowing about the trophy. To me it just felt wrong if I picked different dialogue for Marty to say.
  • edited February 2011
    do you like how the hardest trophy (Fuelmaster Flawlessly mixed up a batch of Emmett's Rocket Fuel) is only a bronze trophy? Where as easy things like (A Bicycle Built for Two
    Rescued Doc from Kid Tannen) is a silver.
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