Where's Direct2Drive Episode 2?

My Direct2Drive account shows Episode 1 available to download but not episode 2 - and I can see it's out on here and on Steam. What gives? :)


  • edited February 2011
    I have the same problem. I'm considering filing a tech support ticket with them but I figure I'll wait till the end of the day just in case nobody told them the game was coming out today either. :P

    I'm also considering not buying from D2D in the future (though I did manage to get the series on sale for $17 back in December, guess I'm getting what I paid for.)
  • edited February 2011
    i cant download it on steam yet either. so you just have to wait.

    if you want to get as EARLY as possible, buy it directly from telltale... otherwise... you have to wait a bit longer... depending on the service you bought it from....

    edit: WAIT! its already availabe on steam!!!!
  • edited February 2011
    Same here, I checked steam and it was available there, no real reason why D2D would be late. I think someone's sleeping at the wheel:P
  • edited February 2011
    Honestly, it's really unfair - I've now emailed Direct2Drive noting I won't buy episodic games from them in future, and it makes me not want to bother buying them at all. I supported the game by pre-ordering before release, even if it was cheaper than other stores (if saving money's a sin, well shoot)...I may as well wait months after release and buy episodic games on sale instead.
  • edited February 2011
    I just got the download button on D2D :)

    And now it's gone O_o
  • edited February 2011
    And it's back again, at least for me, finally downloading!
  • edited February 2011

    Hopefully it won't be 24 hours late next time...
  • edited February 2011
    Are others having problems downloading from this website? I've seen some saying they can download their episode 2 game, however I've been looking the past couple of hours and still can't download. Any help/tips would be greatly appreciated as this is my first time posting!
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