Dear TellTale...

edited February 2011 in Back to the Future
I got your letter today. You informed me that "my free episode is here!!". There's just one problem. My free episode was supposed to be given to me back when I bought the Blu-ray set 3 months ago, like you promised. It seems you didn't like that people were giving away the clearly generic code that you had in the box, and decided that instead of giving the first episode away to so many people, you would force people who played by the rules to wait for three months before they could play the game they were entitled to.

This would not have bothered me EXCEPT that you are making this episode available at the same time as when the whole world can buy episode two. in other words, there was really no benefit to me. One month? Fine. But releasing my free copy LATER THAN those who chose to pay for it? That seems rather petty of you.

Anyway, it's been so long now that I've basically lost interest in playing the game. I might even have bought the whole series if I had been given my free copy when I bought the Blu-ray, like you promised I could. But so many other games have come out that I just don't have the interest anymore. I actually got to see a video showing the whole episode play out, so I got the whole story without having to lift a finger.

I didn't want it to be like this between us. I thought we might be able to make it work. I know I certainly buying the Blu-ray like you told me I had to. But then you went and withheld your lovin while giving to paying customers. I don't really fault you for that...I don't. I just think you could have gone about it a better way. Now, I will have to just make do with videos of the series. Maybe if the whole set's price drops to $5 I will think about coming back to you. But until then, leave the memories alone.


  • edited February 2011
    Boo hoo hoo. My heart is so sad. You went out and bought the Blu-Ray right? Then take a chance on something original that hasn't been done in 25 years since it's inception. You play the NES game? Garbage. Man up and grow a pair.
  • edited February 2011
    The whole "set" is cheaper than normal TellTale games for the very reason that pretty much everyone could get the first episode free.
  • edited February 2011
    I don't know about anyone else but I bought the Blu-Ray set for, you know, having the films on Blu-Ray. My one complaint: the packaging. Ugh. Why does Universal punish us with cases that make no sense? I'm looking at you, big black Battlestar Galactica box, as well. Your smaller, replacement box after consumer complaints, a little better =)
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