PS3 Suggestion
Hi TellTale, I've just tried the Demo for Episode 1 off the US PSN (Since you guys haven't released it in the EU) and noticed that on the XMB (The PS3's Menu) you guys are using the block style for the games Logo.
Now, this style suited Sam & Max (because of the poster style) and ToMI (because they were all the same with a different background, plus animated). But for BTTF, it kind of makes it look cheap, especially when you have Ryan's artwork as the main background and then the games logo in a blue block logo.
The PS3 can use alpha imaging for the logo's to, so you really can just use the same Icon that used on the PC/MAC version:

Which set against Ryan's art would look a lot more cleaner and professional for these games. Just a suggestion for any future projects!
Now, this style suited Sam & Max (because of the poster style) and ToMI (because they were all the same with a different background, plus animated). But for BTTF, it kind of makes it look cheap, especially when you have Ryan's artwork as the main background and then the games logo in a blue block logo.
The PS3 can use alpha imaging for the logo's to, so you really can just use the same Icon that used on the PC/MAC version:

Which set against Ryan's art would look a lot more cleaner and professional for these games. Just a suggestion for any future projects!

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